My 6 month old!!!
Those cheeks!!
I can't believe he's already 6 months old!!!
Wow! Where to start?! It seems like so long ago that I actually posted something! I guess because it was! We've had a very busy week!
It was another successful week with Ms. Emily. Riley just loves her and her boys Rowan & Camden. The days Kelly has to work late, Emily takes Riley home with her for a while to be there when her boys get home from school. Seriously though, things could not be better with Emily! I'm so thankful EVERY day this all worked out! I told Kelly we may have to have our next baby sooner so we can keep Ms. Emily on payroll! ;)
So we had another week of firsts! Riley had his 1st cereal! OMG! It was so funny! Now he has an entire new repertoire of faces to make! They are HILARIOUS! He did finish the entire bowl though!
Aunt Court giving Riley his 1st taste of cereal!
Told you they were HILARIOUS!
Mom?! What are you doing to me?!
I think this is when it totally jumped shark for him! :)
He also woke up one day and decided he was OVER being swaddled! We knew this day was coming, but I think it was more difficult for us than him! You should see him all sprawled out in bed now! I walk in there and just crack up sometimes! I halfway expect to catch him sleeping in a handstand one night!
These 2 things all of the sudden happened in the same 24 hour period prompting Kelly to look at me and say "What the hell?! He grew up overnight on us!"
Aunt Court & Riley
We had another first this week - one which NONE of us cares to repeat! At 1st we thought Riley was having an allergic reaction to the cereal because he had 5 blow outs (REALLY bad dirty diapers) and threw up for the 1st time. He actually threw up while I was at dinner with my girlfriend Courtney. She came down for the 2nd time since Riley was born to visit us this past weekend. You should have heard Kelly's description of it! I text'd home to see how things were going and Kelly said 'Great! Except for a major blow out and a 7" volcanic vomit'. I was like 'What?!' I felt bad that I wasn't home when it happened and that Kelly had to handle it all on his own! But it didn't phase him a bit!
Anyway, we thought this was all due to the rice cereal because this was on Saturday and the 1st day Riley had ever had it! Then Sunday he had a few blowouts again and he just didn't seem like himself so we skipped the rice cereal. He was also being really quiet and not really himself. We noticed this mainly when Talana's family-Gary, Suzanne, Cole & Kyla - came by to visit him while they were in town from Lubbock. I was almost thinking he was just acting shy, but as soon as they left - another blow out - and you could tell he immediately felt better.
Well fast forward to Sunday night at 1am - Kelly wakes up with what we think is food poisoning - you know what that means! Praying to the porcelin God....it was NOT good! Just when we think we have Kelly somewhat settled - it hits ME at 3am! We were both is such bad shape, I found myself PRAYING that Riley wouldn't wake up before Emily got here because I didn't think Kelly or I would be able to physically get him! And he didn't! Again, divine intervention! Emily made it here before he even woke up. Then I called my Mom - it was her 1st day off and usually the day she gets to sleep in so I felt BAD! But I knew in the state we were in, there was NO WAY we were going to be able to take very good care of Riley! Once again, GiGi to the rescue. She got here before Emily had to leave for the day so she could help us out! She came armed with Gatorade, Chicken Noodle Soup and other goodies to help nurse us back to health! I felt a lot better Monday night, but not great! And at this point, Kelly and I hadn't eaten in 24 hours so we were both extremely weak. I was still thinking it was food poisoning too since we both got it and had eaten the same dinner. THEN Riley ends up getting sick again Monday night and throwing up so it finally dawned on me that we ALL had a stomach bug!!
Then we ended up having a couple of ice days here due to the weather, so we were lucky in that respect because it gave Kelly and I a couple more days to recover. Finally by Wednesday or Thursday Riley was back to his normal self too! That solidified our theory that we had had a stomach bug! Wowzer! My friend Tony warned me that these crazy kid bugs would take Kelly and I out like we've never been taken out before! Man, he wasn't lying!! Kelly and I neither get ill very much, so both of us being hit at the same time was OVERWHELMING! Hopefully that won't happen again!
Riley also turned 6 months old this Thursday - the 29th! I cannot believe my son is already half a year old!! OMG! Time FLIES!! At this appointment, he jumped up a percentile in both height - 28" in the 90-95% and weight 18lbs in the 50-75%.
Riley & GiGi on his 6 month birthday!
We tried cereal again this am, and Riley cried the entire time! We'll see how it goes this evening, but I'm thinking we may just skip straight to sweet potatoes!
I'm sorry...this is a random shot of THAT HAIR! OMG! He definitely has my hair! Mine stood up JUST like this! Luckily he's a boy, so we just sweep it into a faux hawk and he's stylin! LOL!
GiGi is coming back tonight to watch Riley tomorrow. Kelly's Pittsburg Steelers are in the Super Bowl, so we are flying down to Austin to go to our friend's annual Super Bowl party. This is the same friend who has a Super Bowl party every year, and last time the Steelers won we were at his house so Kelly's says we can't risk jinxing them! Ha! It's just another quick 24hr trip for us.
I think I'm doing well! This is my 2nd overnight trip in a month, so I'm doing good at not being too clingy or overprotective! Now....my Mom is probably the ONLY person in the world I'd leave Riley with overnight but at least I'm doing it! Plus, Riley LOVES his GiGi! And Riley's the new man in her life! :)
I know a lot of my friends aren't fortunate enough to have family near like we do, so I'm very thankful! It allows Kelly and I to spend time together to remember that our love for each other is what made Riley possible! That's why he's so perfect!! ;)
So I think that's all for the last week or so! Oh yeah, I entered my favorite picture of Riley - the crooked drool picture in Regis and Kelly's Beautiful Baby Photo contest too! I may be soliciting votes here soon!