Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bub....ble! Bub.....ble!
The first time I blew them toward him - he stood up at the edge of the tub to get into the actoin and he blew too! Except he doesn't really know how to blow, so basically he tucks his top lip in his bottle lip and makes a fart noise with his mouth! OMG! It cracks me up! Then he's blinking with a quizzical look on his face like how did I blow in my own face?
Then the 2nd time I blew he said it! Bub......ble! Then the 3rd time I blew.....he said it again Bub....ble! Faster this time! So of course, I had to call Kelly to come witness this event!
I totally expected him to get performance anxiety and clam up, but the 4th time I blew.....bub...ble! bub....ble! I double header! And Dad witnessed it too! Of course, Kelly brought the camera thinking there was going to be something funny to take pictures of...not the video camera! Either way! We both heard it!!
Of course, he hasn't said it since! But I haven't blown anymore bubbles either! We've had stuff going on all weekend, so bath time has been rushed or at odd hours.
We survived church without any biting incidents today either! WooHoo! Of course, we drugged him up with Tylenol and Baby Oragel and armed him with his paci before we left! I was so sure I wasn't going to have a 2 or 3 year old running around with a paci, but all of the sudden I find myself being a paci pusher! It's definitely better than Baby Jaws and his path of destruction!!
If there's one thing Motherhood teaches's choosing your battles and picking the lesser of two evils! :)
Other than's been a pretty quiet week for all of us! Which is good! We needed a regular week! We've had way too much excitement lately!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
More Catch up with Photos!
He still LOVES to help with the dishes!
Now he LOVES to help with the fridge too! And just like the dishwasher! You blink and he's there! He's Flash!
I should have made this a video, but I wasn't thinking. Riley's new thing is dancing! It doesn't matter what he's doing - his toy plays a song, a song comes on tv, whatever! As soon as it starts, he starts bouncing up and down to the beat dancing! Riley was actually at the fridge with Kelly (above pic) when Aretha starting singing in The Blues Brothers movie on tv - he immediately crawled over to the tv, stood up and started dancing! Funny stuff!
And when we play his music in the car from Kindermusik, he always breaks into a huge smile when the songs we dance to in class come on! It cracks us up EVERY TIME!
I shouldn't even post this one, but this is what my house looks like more often than not these days! Like Fisher Price exploded in it! There was music playing on the tv again too, so Riley's at the tv dancing!
TWO of his new things! One is that he'll sit on the floor and just bang his heels on the ground non-stop! (See his heels going up and down in the top pic!) The 2nd and most obvious is if he pushes one of his toys too far on the coffee table and can't reach it - he just crawls up on the table to play with it now! He's having a blast as you can tell! Nice!!
Beep Beep! Road Rage in Training!
And you get to see Baby Hulk in action too. If he's not honking, he's banging!! That's how he explores his world! One BANG after another! I can only imagine what my house is going to look like one day....
Sorry for the sideways video - I don't know if I have a way to turn them around or not! No time to investigate!
Baby Jaws!
I called to talk to Ethan and he was very upset! It made me sad!! Luckily, it was close to Riley's bedtime so once my Mom took Riley upstairs - Ethan settled down and played flash cards with my Grandmother. I called to check on him at that time, and Ethan said - Baby Riley bit me! Can I talk to Uncle Kelly? Uncle Kelly is the BEST! Ethan LOVES him! It's so sweet! When Josh & Nancy picked Ethan up that night, it was the first thing he said to them when he woke up as Josh picked him up! And when we saw Ethan at church this am, it was the 1st thing he said too! Hopefully he's not scarred for life! Nancy and Josh were so cool about it too! I'm so thankful for that! But what am I going to do?!
Then today when we dropped Riley off in the nursery at church, we warned them he had bitten a friend for the 1st time a couple of days ago. Kelly and I are walking to get him - Kelly made a BAD joke that we would walk around the corner and all the kids would be crying and running from Riley. was ALMOST that bad! Two of the 3 teachers were holding little boys and rubbing their arms as they were crying! Riley had bitten them BOTH in the last 3 minutes!!! Then we look farther into the room and there's Riley laughing and clapping and screaming for joy like he's just had the best hour of his life! UGH!!!
He has been teething REALLY bad this week. We had an all nighter on Wed where he was up with his teeth from 12-3am, but still! Luckily the Mom's there were understanding too! I just have no idea what to do! I'm not sure what prompted it this am, but I'm HOPING it's just that his teeth have been bothering him quite a bit this week. Stay tuned as I try to figure out what to do about this 'stage'!
Playing Catch Up Once Again!
So I figure the best way to catch up it with pictures!! Because they are worth a thousand words, right?!
Yes...we all looked like Smurfs from the blue icing bday cake!
Eww! Even in the toe nails!!
Birthday night with just Mom, Dad & Birthday Boy.
I want to grab that flickering thing!
What's he doing on my cupcake?!
Oh, I know. I can use him as a tool!
He ended up doing pretty good with his bare hands!
Not much left!
All done!
The only present he even attempted to open for his entire birthday!
And he was done as soon as he got one piece of tissue! We could have just given him the bag with tissue in it as his entire bday present! He would have been completely happy!
Another present - the Birthday Santa basically came to our house! Presents are all put together and ready for action when you wake up!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sorry guys! I know I owe my loyal blog followers a post on Riley's 1st Birthday party, but I'm relaxing for the 1st time in over a week!! My feet hurt from going non-stop! So I'm giving you a quick post from my iPhone from the comfort of my bed!
The party was a resounding success! Every person we invited came! Riley was his usual charming self not overwhelmed by all the people at all and we all had a great time! I couldn't have asked for anything more for his 1st birthday! But now we have A LOT to live up to from here on out!
I'll try to blog the details later this week, but work is crazy for me right now so I don't have as much free time in the evenings to blog when I work later, spend as much time as I can with Smoochie and workout in the evenings after work. Riley's 1st birthday was a wake up call for me to get back on my workout routine! I no longer have the 'just had a baby' excuse for the extra weight I have to lose! :(
Have a great week! I'll blog details as soon as I can. I don't even have pics yet bc my friend Doug came and photographed the party so I'm in suspense too!