The big thing that happened this week was Riley getting his tongue clipped, but I already did an entire post about that. He also met a few new people this week. On Tuesday, my friend Bobby from work came over to have lunch with us. Then Saturday night we had dinner with our friends Rusty & Paula Hale.
Bobby & Riley
Rusty, Riley & Paula
I also learned it's FUN to dress up boys too!!! I was worried there wouldn't be as many cute clothes for boys because there is definitely a much smaller selection to chose from! I guess that never really changes, BUT have no fear! There are still plenty of cute boy clothes!! Kelly doesn't approve of some of them by saying "My son isn't wearing that!", but I can still play the baby card and sneak some of them in! ;)
Here are just a few of his outfit changes this week! The other problem is that since he still spends most of his life horizontal - it's hard to get him into a cute pose, and if you do it's even more difficult to keep him there AND capture it in a picture while trying to get him to stop eating his hands and look at the camera! So sometimes you just gotta take what you can get!
In his soccer outfit, lying on a Steelers blanket watching the Steelers game with Dad! (Even though he's not supposed to be watching tv!)
In his baby blue cargo pants and adorable sweater vest from Children's Place - see it's hard to get him propped up and posed!
You can't see it, but he has on a cool thermal shirt that says My Mom Rocks - because he knows I rock while playing Rock Band! Check out the shoes! They are like mini diesels! And these are his FAVORITE 2 toys!
In his cool Gap cargo pants and polo shirt with thermal sleeves with his favorite Ducky!! Once again wondering WHY Mommy keeps putting this silver thing that makes him BLIND in front of his face! I should probably google whether you can harm your child with flash burn this early on! I think all 1st children suffer from that though!
He's still enjoying rolling his RRRRRRRs with Dad and he started shrieking this week too! But he still looks surprised like he can't believe that high pitched noise just came from him! He and Dad still sit on the sofa and "chat" back and forth in their own special language for hours! It's like Riley has an entire new repertoire of sounds now that his tongue has been clipped!
Riley & Dad "chatting" on the sofa. You can tell by the smile on Riley's face this is one of his FAVORITE things to do!
Oh yeah...he's been laughing out loud for a while now, but starting this week - he literally starts cracking up at HIMSELF! And he'll just laugh and laugh and gasp for air and laugh and laugh some more at nothing at all! At first Kelly thought he was laughing at him, then he was like I'm not even doing anything! He's just cracking himself up!
He also tries to sit up and stand EVERY time you hold him! And now that he's seen the world from a vertical perspective, he'll cry when you try to lie him back down! It's like he's saying "No! Now that I've seen the world this way, I can't go back to lying down all the time!" We joke that he's going to have a 6 pack like Kelly with all this trying to sit up he's doing! He's constantly working those abs!
And as you saw in the pictures above, his favorite toys are his links (see keep it simple once again!) and a little Ducky his Great Aunt Shireen got him before he was even born! Oh yeah....and his hands! He's still trying to eat them every chance he gets!
I think that's about it for week 15! Oh yeah, I keep thinking how am I EVER going to walk out the door to go back to work! Kelly may have to take me and pick me up the 1st few days so I can see Riley as long as possible! I can see how 12 weeks is the magic time to return to work! That's just before they start interacting with you all the time, smiling at you, laughing and showing their little personalities! Now that he's doing all that, I find myself not wanting to even walk out of the room for a minute for fear I'm going to miss something so cute it's picture or video worthy! Maybe I need to get a web cam set up for my Mom and Kelly to have while I'm at work so they can run him over to the web cam when he does something new or cute! But that means they would just have to sit there in front of the web cam all day because he's always doing something cute! :) And I'm guessing that wouldn't be the best thing for my productivity level at work either!
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