We had a great time while they were here - lots of family time, we ate out a couple of times, hit Bass Pro Shops (One of Chris' Favorite Places) and walked around Southlake Town Square one day. Kelly and I even got to have a date night of dinner and a movie! We saw Wolverine, and I even liked it! Of course, what's not to like about Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds! :)
I think Grandma & Grandpa Sterne had a great time too! Hopefully they'll be back for a visit sooner this time!
I wasn't sure if having new people around for more than a brief visit would effect Riley. He didn't want to go to sleep as easy as he usually does at night, but other than that he seemed to enjoy their visit as much as the rest of us. Of course, we pretty much stick to Riley's schedule around here - respect the nap and sleep times!! That's our motto! And it seems to pay off with a easy going happy baby! I'll take that any day!! Just like the books says - Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child!
Here are some pics from their visit:
Grandpa Sterne helping Riley practice saying "MaMa"!
Riley hanging out with Grandpa & Grandma Sterne
Picture on the "Mooo-nicipal" cow at Southlake Town Square Court house.
OMG! Look at that face! It's a new face he started making last week! Cracks me up! BTW, I HATE taking pictures right now, but I know I will want some years from now! I just feel like they are all my "before" fat pictures! ha! What can you do?!
Random High Chair shot - probably watching his Your Baby Can Read video since he doesn't have a bib on. He still LOVES those videos! He gets all excited as soon as he hears the intro song start! Can you tell he's getting even MORE new hair in the front - the short undergrowth in the front?
Also, can you tell he doesn't sit still anymore? We're going to have to invest in a new camera soon! Otherwise all his baby photos will be blurs of him! I guess we could call him Flash then! And tell him about how fast he was when he was little!
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