Me, Riley aka Green Lantern & Ethan aka "ROARRRR Dinasour" ready to go!!
Had to get a pic of him standing up! His little muscles are so cute!!
Speaking of - I think I paid $20 for the costume in August, and we spend almost $70 having it tailored to fit him! Nice!! Maybe it'll fit him next year too! Yeah right!!
I'm thinking he may not like this dressing up stuff like his Mom! But SHHHH! Don't tell his Dad!
Riley's 1st house EVER for Trick or Treating.
His 2nd house EVER! I just love how he's looking up!
Nancy & Ms. Emily-look at her cute bunny tail!!
Dad carried Riley 1st.
My Dad, Shelia & Ms. Emily. Yes! That's my Dad pushing a stroller! And yes! That's a real baby in it!! :) I have photographic evidence now! As you can see, Ms. Emily was over the trick or treating pretty quickly!
Then Josh carried Riley.
Then it was Mommy's turn!
Then he was DONE!! I think his muscles are going to choke him!!
Anyone that knows Kelly knows Halloween is his FAVORITE holiday (is it even a holiday?!, but you know what I mean)! So my Dad and Shelia came to the rescue this year! They came to town earlier in the afternoon, so they could go trick or treating with us then watch Riley so Kelly and I could go out. We did the "Boo" package at the Gaylord Texan resort that included admission to the club there - Glass Cactus, and brunch the following day. Could new parents ask for a better gift? A night out on the town AND getting to sleep in!! Throw in an extra hour with the time change, and you couldn't ask for anything more!! WooHoo!! Getting to sleep in makes ALL the difference in the world on how much fun you can really have! LOL!
We tried to make it as easy as possible for my Dad and Shelia, so we wouldn't feel like we were leaving them high and dry! We checked into our hotel in the afternoon, and we all had an early dinner there. Then we went trick or treating, and Kelly and I put Riley to bed, then went out. That way they didn't have to struggle getting him to go to bed. They could just get up with him in the morning and feed him breakfast and lunch before his nap. And PLAY PLAY PLAY! Because the mornings are prime time play time around here!
I forgot about this until I was uploading my pics - this is a REAL person! He was at the Gaylord when we ate dinner there. Pretty cool!!
It was very nice to have my Dad and Shelia here. I think they really enjoyed it too. And this was something my Dad never really took part in when we were little because he was working, so now he gets the chance to experience it all with Riley which is cool. He's said to me recently that he's sorry for missing out on things with us girls when we were growing up, but I realized long ago that he was of the generation that thought his job as the man of the house was to work and provide for us. I don't want him to have guilt over that - I just want him to take the time to enjoy those things with Riley. It's more important to me now that Riley have involved Grandparents than anything I may have missed growing up. Both sides of my Grandparents were very involved in my life as I was growing up. My Dad's parents literally lived 800 yards across the pasture from us. Yes! I said pasture! That's what is was!! And I just have such fond memories of spending every Saturday night at MemMaw & PawPaw's with MemMaw scratching our backs and running her nails through our hair (my PawPaw had to time each of us so one wouldn't get more "time" than the other), getting to have a REAL coke float, watching Love Boat, sleeping on a pallet in their floor, and getting up to have "coffee" with them in the mornings! It was really just milk with a dash of coffee and some sugar,but we thought we were totally grown up! Then during the summer us staying with MemMaw every day, and she'd ring the dinner bell for us to come to lunch when were were off in the back pasture on our horses. At my Mom's Mom's house I remember things like watching Willie Nelson on tv, and sitting in Granny's recliner with her and eating cucumbers soaked in vinegar with salt and pepper...random memory....but something I still love today!! We also always played music instruments there b/c most of my Mom's family is musically inclined. And my Grandpa Garland taking us to town for gum, always buying us rabbits to my Mom's dismay and driving fast over the hill so your stomach would feel like you were on a rollercoaster ride! Those are some of my fondest memories! And I want Riley to have those too! I'm sure it's just as enjoyable for Grandparents to have grandchildren they can break all the rules with b/c they can send them home too! :)
Okay...I digress! This is a Halloween post!!
Here are some pictures I snapped of BIG and little Green Lantern! No! Kelly didn't dress up to take Riley trick or treating - as you can tell from the pics above! I took the pictures real quick when we got home before we got Riley ready for bed.
Green Lantern Squared!
Green Lantern & Mini Me Lantern - I think Riley's muscles are bigger than his Dad's! j/k!!
This one makes my heart melt of the 2 of them looking at each other! Although I think Riley was trying to make sure that was still his Daddy behind the mask!
As for our night out, let's just say we both had A LOT of fun! So much fun that I had an iPhone casualty!! It's a long story, but let's just say iPhones and vanilla vodka and diet coke don't mix very well! I dropped my phone in my drink. To be honest, I still have NO idea how it even happened! I thought Kelly or Scott had tossed it in there from afar! LOL! Then I found out Apple won't replace your phone if it has "liquid damage". Luckily for me, honesty is the best policy, and by the time I got an appointment with a "Genius" to pay them $$ to replace my phone - I guess it had dried out b/c they covered the replacement at no cost to me! Yippee!! That was $200 I didn't care to spend right before the holidays! And I think everyone should know that I survived 4ish FULL days WITHOUT MY PHONE!!! With the launch of our new platform being so new, it caused me to have nightmares that work couldn't get in touch with me and the site was down! SAD! Obviously, I need a vacation!! Being constantly in touch via email, etc is a double edged sword for sure! It feels like a ball and chain some days! So when I didn't have it for a few days...I must admit that it became a little liberating! And I haven't been constantly checking my phone as much since!
Kelly, Scott & Dewain
That's Kelly's old Harlem Globetrotter costume Dewain is wearing. It's even autographed by a real Globetrotter we saw out the year Kelly wore it. He said it was an honor to have people dress up as them! Pretty cool. Kelly's "anti store bought" costume, so they always have to be authentic! Yet, another conversation I can hear Riley having with him one day! I just want a store bought costume like everyone else! Not a homemade one!! LOL! Kelly actually made his mask, and even crazy glued his own glasses lenses into it! He's so creative like that! Definitely the parent that will be helping with "art" projects!!
We had to have a picture of Dewain with the "Blind Refs"!
OMG! This guy was the BEST!! He's dead on for Alan in the movie Hang Over! I swear he was even in character too! I heard him yelling at his friend that they had been looking for him all night! Which was pretty much the premise of Hang Over! LOL! He totally would have won the $1000 costume contest, but he didn't even know there was a contest! Hello!!
This guy was pretty good too! The contacts were FREAKY! Kelly...always posing! lol! The Hulk doesn't know he's supposed to "be in character".
I'm glad to report when we got home the following day my Dad and Shelia survived their day with Demolition Man! And had a great time too! They actually thanked me for asking them to babysit!! I was like I'm the one that's supposed to be thanking you!!
Much to my Dad's delight, Riley called my Dad "PawPaw" while he was here, so he pretty much sealed the deal on my Dad & Shelia babysitting again by working them over with his charm! :)
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