Monday, January 11, 2010

Walking Disaster and Emotional Roller Coaster!

More and more Riley is becoming a walking disaster! This morning for instance! It was like a 3 Stooges episode in the span of 3 minutes while I was getting dressed for work. He closed his own hand in the door (not realizing when he was pulling on one side that he was in fact squishing his fingers on the other side)! We recovered from that, then he went right back to the same door and pulled it into his head. We recovered from that, and I sat him on the counter for 2 seconds while I put on my jewelry and he slide backwards into the sink! Which I think scared him for the split second he felt like he was "free falling".

And he goes from zero to SCREAMING SO LOUD YOUR BRAIN HURTS!!!! in like .2 seconds!! OMG! He's totally in the toddler emotional roller coaster ride years! He can go from happy and laughing to screaming in the SAME breath!

He comes to me with his hands up so I'll pick him up, then he leans over like he wants back down. If I put him down, he immediately sprawls out on his stomach with his head on the floor and screams like I just spanked him or something! Wowzer!

All these new emotions!! And he's just not sure what to do with them!! He doesn't have issues "expressing" them though! That's for sure!!

Diaper changes have become more like WWF and let me see what sad pathetic attempt Mom or Dad can come up with to try to distract me this time events!!

Oh yeah! And now any and everything within arms reach has the potential to be a projectile weapon! Seriously!! There have been 2 instances where I SWORE I was going to have a black eye!! This is a tough one! It started out that he was throwing blocks, so we put the blocks away but now he'll pretty much throw ANYTHING!!! Especially whatever device you *think* you are going to distract him with during the diaper change!

Yesterday morning I walked in his room and he had literally thrown everything out of his crib except 2 things! And I mean THROW! Not dropped over the side!! And every night when I leave his room, things get thrown at the door after I close it!

It's like overnight he's channeled his inner Nolan Ryan!! Before he would "wind up", then just drop whatever it was he was holding. Or he would bring his basketball toward you, then drop it behind his own head. He doesn't throw the basketball b/c it's too big, but anything that fits in the palm of his hand is now classified as a level 2 projectile weapon! Beware!!

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