Sunday, August 7, 2011

Riley the rule follower like Mommy!

We made it through 1 week in the big boy bed with only 1 middle of the night waking! Yippee! But the funny thing is Riley just stands up in his big boy bed and calls for me when he wakes up. It hasn't even dawned on him that he has the FREEDOM to get out of the bed much less leave his room too! I'm like that too! I don't even think about breaking the 'rules'. In fact, somethingblike this just happened to me at work in the last couple of weeks. We had a mockingbird nest on the skywalk coming in from the parking garage. And on the first Monday morning, the bird attacked this lady causing her to fall and break her nose! Ouch! Anyway, because state law forbids touching a mockingbird nest-they chose to close the skywalk and make us all go down to the ground floor to enter the building. Like the good rile follower I am-I just did it without even considering the alternative. Then someone tells me how they've been walking across the skywalk since day 2 because it's just ridiculous! So I rebelled and started "breaking the rule" too! No...I wouldn't jump off a cliff if someone else did, but being pregnant in 100+ heat, I was all about the shortcut this go 'round!

Anyway, Riley did get out of his bed this afternoon at nap time, and I found him sleeping on his bean bag when I went in to get him so that may be the beginning of the end....we'll have to wait and see!

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