Let's see what we did for Thanksgiving....we went to GS to my PawPaw's house. It's my favorite holiday and my favorite celebration because it seems like it's the one that everyone still comes for. Now that so many of us have our own kids (everyone else for a while now!), people have to have Christmas at their own houses so Santa knows where to bring the gifts so Thanksgiving seems to be the one holiday that has stayed in tact over the years! And I get to have on of my ALL TIME FAVORITE MEALS! My late Grandmother's cornbread stuffing! My Aunt Char has now mastered the recipe, so it tastes just like MemMaw's!! She even has extra batches made, but not cooked so we can bring it home with us to have even more leftovers!! How GREAT is that?!
Anyway - we planned on being there by lunchtime! Remember that I'm still off work at this time so Riley & I haven't exactly mastered getting out of the house in an efficient manner! Well Murphy's Law was in effect! Our plan was to have Riley ready and fed so his nap time would correlate with our 1.5 hour drive.
As I was getting him dressed, I paused for a second and thought to myself maybe I shouldn't get him dressed now - 2 hours before we're supposed to leave. I mean that would mean we were actually running early on getting ready! So I decided to go ahead and get him dressed! Yeah, you probably see where this is going! So Riley doesn't poop every day now - more like every 3-6 days because breast milk doesn't have a lot of waste. Since it's the perfect food (another shameless breastfeeding plug), Riley's body uses almost all of it leaving little left over (another reason to breastfeed!). BUT when he does go now, it's usually a BLOW OUT! So I had this adorable 'My 1st Thanksgiving' onesie for Riley to wear with a matching turkey bib...yep! You guessed it!
I'm upstairs getting ready, and Kelly comes around the corner and says - only our son! I was lost at 1st then I was able to finish his sentence before he did! Yep! He had a blow out in his 'My 1st Thanksgiving' outfit! On the ONE day of the YEAR he could wear it!! Well luckily we were running 'early' so I had time to 'quick wash' it and dry it!
Of course, after that our entire morning plan to have Riley ready for nap time when we got in the car went out the window!! I ended up having to feed him a bottle in the car on the way, then we had to pull over to burp him halfway there!
Dad burping Riley half way to GS - see his cute turkey bib!
I was worried he'd be in a bad mood once we got there because we were going to arrive at the EXACT time he should have been going down for a nap! BUT he was the main attraction...and he loved every minute of it! He didn't get tired, cranky or upset ONCE! He did sleep the ENTIRE ride home though!
Showing off his talking and laughing skills with Dad. See his cute 'My First Thanksgiving' onesie? (That had already been washed and dried this morning!) He had on pants and shoes too, but he had already gotten rid of those by this time! My PawPaw's house has a tendency to be HOT HOT HOT!
Oh yeah! And he 'found his thumb' while we were there! He's more chewing on it than sucking it, but I guess it's just a matter of time! I was hoping I could keep him from being a thumb sucker! As my pediatrician says - you can take the paci away! But the thumb can be more difficult to break! Right now he only takes his paci at nap and bedtime, so I was thinking we wouldn't have an uphill battle! Like I've said before though - Riley has already taught me that what I think I 'know' can quickly change!
Hmm, what is this thing that just flipped into my mouth? I think I like it!
So that was my celebration with my Dad's side of the family, then my sister came home with us and we celebrated with my Mom - who had been at my house cooking all day! So we got to eat another meal - YUMMY! More cornbread stuffing - see everyone knows it's my FAVORITE!! And Kelly and I had more than enough leftovers for the rest of the weekend!
Then Friday morning we took Riley to his 2nd in studio photo shoot to get pictures made for our Christmas card. He did great - was a total champ through wardrobe changes and all the adults trying to get him to look up at the camera and smile! I'm starting to think he may be a little shy! He never shuts up at home, but when we take him places he's a lot quieter! Then as soon as we get him home - motor mouth and all smiles again! Kelly and I were both shy when we were younger, so it could happen! No SERIOUSLY - we were both EXTREMELY shy! I know it's hard to believe now!
"The Village" aka Kelly & my Mom trying to get Riley to smile AND look somewhere in the vicinity of the camera at the same time!
Then my Mom and sister helped me put up our Christmas tree Friday evening before they went home. I say helped loosely because my Mom pretty much did it! She has that talent! Riley sat in his bouncy seat watching...and he is totally mesmerized by the Christmas tree lights now!
And Saturday we went to see my Aunt Jenny's family while Brady & Tiffany were in town from college. I think Riley is getting accustomed to being the center of attention and he likes it! :)
Riley & Tiffany - I couldn't help but notice the Digital TV conversion message in the background - oh how I'm sure that will seem 'ancient' to Riley one day when we're perusing through all these pictures!