So this weekend Riley started saying car or really "cah" as Emily put it! And he also said "Kitty Kitty" at Emily's house because she has 2 cats.
He's had "ball" down for a while and with his new basketball goal - that one is only becoming more popular! And now Dad is teaching him to SCREAM when he dunks the ball! GREAT! And of course, he's getting that down pat!!
And anything is fair game for being "dunked"! Just a few of the items that I've seen "dunked" are shoes, Chicken Dance Elmo, football, tennis ball, basketball, car, book and sippy cup. Pretty much anything that happens to be in his hand or within arms reach when he decides "I haven't dunked in a while"!
I also think he gives kisses, but just not your conventional type of kisses!! LOL! I noticed a while back he would hold his mouth open and say "Ma" as he was touching his mouth to you. Then I noticed when I kiss him I saw "Muah" "Muah", so that's probably what he is doing! He won't do it on demand when you ask for a kiss, but he will do it when he wants to! I'll take kisses from him ANYTIME in ANYWAY!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Boo Boos!!!
So I was blogging today and saw this post way down on my list. I guess I saved it so I could upload the pic later, then forgot! Better late than never on capturing Riley's first boo boo!
Man on man! Riley got his 1st pretty big "boo boo" last Saturday (Jan 9th). Of course, while Kelly was gone! I actually handled it pretty well considering all the blood, but it was like the longer it went on the more I lost it!
In the end, it probably wasn't *that* big of a deal! I'm not even sure how he did it. I have a hypothesis, but I didn't see it happen so I can't be sure. Basically, he was getting his juice bottle out of the pantry, and my guess is that as he pulled the juice bottle off the shelf and it went to fall to the floor - he was still trying to hold it and it hit one of the shelves on the door and popped him in the lip.
Unfortunately, I was cutting up his snack so I was focused on not cutting my own fingers off and missed all the action! When I turned around he was screaming and it looked like he was coughing chunks of blood out of his mouth.
I picked him up, but I couldn't see ANYTHING for all the blood gushing out. I took a kitchen towel and tried to apply pressure to his mouth, but as soon as I would pull the towel away again - blood gushing. And as he coughed from crying so hard more what appeared to be chunks of blood. I had no idea if his tooth had gone through his skin, if teeth had been knocked out or broken! It was a little crazy for a second!
Finally, I got him calmed down and tried to assess the damage. It looked like a boxer's eye cut, but it was right by his lip. There were actually 2 of them with the top one being the worst. I had to take pictures of it and send them to my Mom's phone so she could help me assess the damage and decide whether it warranted stitches or not. In the end, it began to close on it's own, and we decided holding him down for stitches would actually be more traumatic than having a little character scar!
Wow though! I'm totally not ready for this "rough and tumble" boy stuff!! Knock on wood, but Kelly and I neither one have had stitches or broken bones! I'm thinking based on Riley's activity level up to this point - that story may change with him! It remains to be seen!
Here's the pic I sent to my Mom for assessment after we finally got the bleeding to stop.
All this commotion made me realize we need a 1st aid kit! We don't even have band-aids! Luckily, I at least had Neosporin!
Man on man! Riley got his 1st pretty big "boo boo" last Saturday (Jan 9th). Of course, while Kelly was gone! I actually handled it pretty well considering all the blood, but it was like the longer it went on the more I lost it!
In the end, it probably wasn't *that* big of a deal! I'm not even sure how he did it. I have a hypothesis, but I didn't see it happen so I can't be sure. Basically, he was getting his juice bottle out of the pantry, and my guess is that as he pulled the juice bottle off the shelf and it went to fall to the floor - he was still trying to hold it and it hit one of the shelves on the door and popped him in the lip.
Unfortunately, I was cutting up his snack so I was focused on not cutting my own fingers off and missed all the action! When I turned around he was screaming and it looked like he was coughing chunks of blood out of his mouth.
I picked him up, but I couldn't see ANYTHING for all the blood gushing out. I took a kitchen towel and tried to apply pressure to his mouth, but as soon as I would pull the towel away again - blood gushing. And as he coughed from crying so hard more what appeared to be chunks of blood. I had no idea if his tooth had gone through his skin, if teeth had been knocked out or broken! It was a little crazy for a second!
Finally, I got him calmed down and tried to assess the damage. It looked like a boxer's eye cut, but it was right by his lip. There were actually 2 of them with the top one being the worst. I had to take pictures of it and send them to my Mom's phone so she could help me assess the damage and decide whether it warranted stitches or not. In the end, it began to close on it's own, and we decided holding him down for stitches would actually be more traumatic than having a little character scar!
Wow though! I'm totally not ready for this "rough and tumble" boy stuff!! Knock on wood, but Kelly and I neither one have had stitches or broken bones! I'm thinking based on Riley's activity level up to this point - that story may change with him! It remains to be seen!
Here's the pic I sent to my Mom for assessment after we finally got the bleeding to stop.
All this commotion made me realize we need a 1st aid kit! We don't even have band-aids! Luckily, I at least had Neosporin!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Walking Disaster and Emotional Roller Coaster!
More and more Riley is becoming a walking disaster! This morning for instance! It was like a 3 Stooges episode in the span of 3 minutes while I was getting dressed for work. He closed his own hand in the door (not realizing when he was pulling on one side that he was in fact squishing his fingers on the other side)! We recovered from that, then he went right back to the same door and pulled it into his head. We recovered from that, and I sat him on the counter for 2 seconds while I put on my jewelry and he slide backwards into the sink! Which I think scared him for the split second he felt like he was "free falling".
And he goes from zero to SCREAMING SO LOUD YOUR BRAIN HURTS!!!! in like .2 seconds!! OMG! He's totally in the toddler emotional roller coaster ride years! He can go from happy and laughing to screaming in the SAME breath!
He comes to me with his hands up so I'll pick him up, then he leans over like he wants back down. If I put him down, he immediately sprawls out on his stomach with his head on the floor and screams like I just spanked him or something! Wowzer!
All these new emotions!! And he's just not sure what to do with them!! He doesn't have issues "expressing" them though! That's for sure!!
Diaper changes have become more like WWF and let me see what sad pathetic attempt Mom or Dad can come up with to try to distract me this time events!!
Oh yeah! And now any and everything within arms reach has the potential to be a projectile weapon! Seriously!! There have been 2 instances where I SWORE I was going to have a black eye!! This is a tough one! It started out that he was throwing blocks, so we put the blocks away but now he'll pretty much throw ANYTHING!!! Especially whatever device you *think* you are going to distract him with during the diaper change!
Yesterday morning I walked in his room and he had literally thrown everything out of his crib except 2 things! And I mean THROW! Not dropped over the side!! And every night when I leave his room, things get thrown at the door after I close it!
It's like overnight he's channeled his inner Nolan Ryan!! Before he would "wind up", then just drop whatever it was he was holding. Or he would bring his basketball toward you, then drop it behind his own head. He doesn't throw the basketball b/c it's too big, but anything that fits in the palm of his hand is now classified as a level 2 projectile weapon! Beware!!
And he goes from zero to SCREAMING SO LOUD YOUR BRAIN HURTS!!!! in like .2 seconds!! OMG! He's totally in the toddler emotional roller coaster ride years! He can go from happy and laughing to screaming in the SAME breath!
He comes to me with his hands up so I'll pick him up, then he leans over like he wants back down. If I put him down, he immediately sprawls out on his stomach with his head on the floor and screams like I just spanked him or something! Wowzer!
All these new emotions!! And he's just not sure what to do with them!! He doesn't have issues "expressing" them though! That's for sure!!
Diaper changes have become more like WWF and let me see what sad pathetic attempt Mom or Dad can come up with to try to distract me this time events!!
Oh yeah! And now any and everything within arms reach has the potential to be a projectile weapon! Seriously!! There have been 2 instances where I SWORE I was going to have a black eye!! This is a tough one! It started out that he was throwing blocks, so we put the blocks away but now he'll pretty much throw ANYTHING!!! Especially whatever device you *think* you are going to distract him with during the diaper change!
Yesterday morning I walked in his room and he had literally thrown everything out of his crib except 2 things! And I mean THROW! Not dropped over the side!! And every night when I leave his room, things get thrown at the door after I close it!
It's like overnight he's channeled his inner Nolan Ryan!! Before he would "wind up", then just drop whatever it was he was holding. Or he would bring his basketball toward you, then drop it behind his own head. He doesn't throw the basketball b/c it's too big, but anything that fits in the palm of his hand is now classified as a level 2 projectile weapon! Beware!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Simplify Simplify Simplify!
Oh my did Christmas ever drive home the point that we are in times of excess! I'm just as guilty as the next person. Kelly and I had planned on filtering Riley's toys out before Christmas, but we ran out of hours in the days so we did it the week after Christmas.
It was definitely eye opening! No wonder kids these days have ADD! Seriously, they have so many toys! As they play with one toy, 3 other ones go off competing for their attention! It's BAD!
Since we had already been talking about it, then I read another article in Time magazine stating stats from a similarly themed study - the average kid has 150 toys! And the person in the article recommended cutting that back by 75%, so that was the final motivation we needed!
We went to work packing away toys he's outgrown, donating what he never really took a liking too, etc. We also decided that we would cut the toys he has out to play with in half, then rotate in new toys every 2-4 weeks. I found that he really has almost 2 of every kind of toy - 2 shape sorters, 2 sets of blocks, definitely tons of books and a lot of them 2 of a kind, multiple Little People sets, many puzzles, etc. We kept out his "all time favs" that he plays with EVERY day, then chose a few more to keep in the active rotation. The rest are packed away in a box in his closet for now. I have a few out on the closet shelves, and when he sees them and wants to play with them I let him. It's like they are new every time he sees them!
We also found that toys we thought he never liked, he totally liked once he was able to actually SEE them! As we were sorting through all the toys, he'd see something he hadn't seen in a while and it would be brand new to him! He'd actually get excited!
To be honest, there's still too many toys but it's a start!! And so far it's been a raving success!! We just have to keep it up from here on out!! Simple is Good!!
It was definitely eye opening! No wonder kids these days have ADD! Seriously, they have so many toys! As they play with one toy, 3 other ones go off competing for their attention! It's BAD!
Since we had already been talking about it, then I read another article in Time magazine stating stats from a similarly themed study - the average kid has 150 toys! And the person in the article recommended cutting that back by 75%, so that was the final motivation we needed!
We went to work packing away toys he's outgrown, donating what he never really took a liking too, etc. We also decided that we would cut the toys he has out to play with in half, then rotate in new toys every 2-4 weeks. I found that he really has almost 2 of every kind of toy - 2 shape sorters, 2 sets of blocks, definitely tons of books and a lot of them 2 of a kind, multiple Little People sets, many puzzles, etc. We kept out his "all time favs" that he plays with EVERY day, then chose a few more to keep in the active rotation. The rest are packed away in a box in his closet for now. I have a few out on the closet shelves, and when he sees them and wants to play with them I let him. It's like they are new every time he sees them!
We also found that toys we thought he never liked, he totally liked once he was able to actually SEE them! As we were sorting through all the toys, he'd see something he hadn't seen in a while and it would be brand new to him! He'd actually get excited!
To be honest, there's still too many toys but it's a start!! And so far it's been a raving success!! We just have to keep it up from here on out!! Simple is Good!!
Our Little Helper
I already blogged about how Riley has become my little helper with laundry, but it's not isolated to that! That just happens to be something we do together every week. He also ALWAYS helps load/unload the dishwasher every day!
Here I captured him in the act once again! Without even having to ask him, he started helping Dad pack the Christmas tree away! It was so cute! I was in too much of a hurry to capture the Kodak moment and the pics are a little blurry, but you get the jist!
All Done!
After we got all the Christmas decorations put away, it was time to go through Riley's clothes! He grows out of them so quickly! It makes me sad each time I have to pack yet another size away! This is his 12-18 month size clothes and shoes that I've been needing to pack away for a while! I know! The kid has NO clothes! ha! To be honest, I was proud of myself! I only found 1 shirt and 1 pair of pants with the tags still on them! He had actually worn everything in his closet at least ONCE!
Here's where Riley helping me came into play. Well besides walking all over my neatly folded stacks of clothes above! As I was taking the clothes off the hangers, I notice he was taking each hanger one by one into my bathroom. I wasn't sure what he was doing with them, so I went to take a peek! Waa-Laa! He had taken each one ( one by one! never carrying 2 at a time) and put them in my bathtub! He cracks me UP!! But it's oh so cute!! He does totally want to be involved in ANYTHING you are doing these days!
He did sneak a few articles of clothing in here too - maybe he was trying to tell me he wanted those to be in the donate pile instead of the keep pile!
Here I captured him in the act once again! Without even having to ask him, he started helping Dad pack the Christmas tree away! It was so cute! I was in too much of a hurry to capture the Kodak moment and the pics are a little blurry, but you get the jist!
All Done!
After we got all the Christmas decorations put away, it was time to go through Riley's clothes! He grows out of them so quickly! It makes me sad each time I have to pack yet another size away! This is his 12-18 month size clothes and shoes that I've been needing to pack away for a while! I know! The kid has NO clothes! ha! To be honest, I was proud of myself! I only found 1 shirt and 1 pair of pants with the tags still on them! He had actually worn everything in his closet at least ONCE!
Here's where Riley helping me came into play. Well besides walking all over my neatly folded stacks of clothes above! As I was taking the clothes off the hangers, I notice he was taking each hanger one by one into my bathroom. I wasn't sure what he was doing with them, so I went to take a peek! Waa-Laa! He had taken each one ( one by one! never carrying 2 at a time) and put them in my bathtub! He cracks me UP!! But it's oh so cute!! He does totally want to be involved in ANYTHING you are doing these days!
He did sneak a few articles of clothing in here too - maybe he was trying to tell me he wanted those to be in the donate pile instead of the keep pile!
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