Sunday, May 16, 2010

Toddler Travel Tips

This is one I should have written notes down for! I had an entire list of "lessons learned" I was going to share with everyone, but I've been so busy lately I didn't have a chance to capture them!

MILK!! Take it WITH YOU!!! Milk is the most difficult thing EVER to find in an airport setting! And they do NOT have it on the plane!! This was our most difficult "lesson learned". You can take it through the TSA checkpoint too!

Extra protection diapers - for obvious reasons when you are flying or driving - you may not be able to change the diaper as quickly as you normally would!

The car seat is your friend!!! Heard this tip from a friend at work who travels internationally all the time with twins and an older child. His theory is by putting them in the car seat - they don't even think to argue about it b/c it's like when they are in the car! Good point! And it worked like a charm! Although, I guess that effect starts to degrade once you are "potty training".

However, you can only have a car seat on the plane if you get a window seat, and since we travel non-rev and nothing is guaranteed - I had a backup too - CARES. It's an attachment to make the seat belt in the airplane a 4 point harness. You can see it here on Amazon.

Car seat buddy to attach to suit case - this was a lifesaver when maneuvering through the airport! You can see it here on Amazon as well. Gives you extra hands! Riley could have even ridden in it like a stroller, but we took the umbrella stroller knowing we would need it once we were there.

Distractions Galore!
Magnadoodle with attached pen (SCORE) This is also how we accidentally figured out Our Baby Could Read! When we wrote words on it, and he read them! ha!
Flash cards

Portable dvd - enough said! Although Riley didn't like it as much as I thought he would b/c he doesn't really watch programs. So luckily, we took the Your Baby Can Read dvds - that he would watch!

Lovey - We took Riley's Goodnight Prayer Puppy.

Snacks!! I'm sure this one goes without saying.

That's all I can think of for now!! Happy Traveling!!

Our Baby Can READ for SURE!

So a few months ago, I thought Riley read the word "blue" = "boo" in his Truck book Aunt Talana Banana got him for his birthday last year, but he didn't repeat it so I figured it was a fluke.

Well much to Kelly and my amazement - we learned on our trip to Maryland our baby can in fact read!! It's crazy! I'm going to make a video of it here soon.

We have a magna doodle we bought for our trip to Maryland to distract him with on the plane and in doing that Kelly wrote the word car on the screen, and Riley said 'Caaaarrrr' as if he's from Boston. Then Kelly wrote Shoe and he read that too! We snapped our heads and looked at each other! It was CRAZY! He can read Car, Pig, Bee, Ball, Shoe...that's all I can think of right now. Dog...and he knows the letter some of them start with - he'll say 'P', Pig. Or 'B' Ball, which is how I think his Bear got the name "B".

Anyway, it's pretty amazing to see! Even on our trip, those videos were the only ones he would watch for any length of time too, so he still enjoys them.

With Kelly and my Dad both having dyslexia, I figure it can't hurt to give Riley a head start in that area.

Reading books is still one of his FAVORITE things too. He'll bring me a book, then turn around and plop right down in my lap.

Sweet Little Muahs!! My oh my!

These deserve a post all on their own! All of the sudden Riley is a LOVER BOY! He will dish out muahs (these are kisses) left and right! He even tried to kiss a little boy at the indoor playground with Ms. Emily a while back! She said he was leaning in, and she was hoping it was going to be a kiss instead of a hit!

He gives Kelly and I kisses, but only about 1 out of every 10 requests we make! I'll take everyone I can get though!! OMG! They are so sweet!

And now....poor "B" (his Valentine's Bear that he has named "BEEEE") and Puppy (his puppy that says his Now I lay me down to sleep prayer), get mauled with kisses every morning and night or really anytime we go into his room!! So much their poor little mouths are getting dingy! Of course, he's decided to be attached to the 2 stuffed animals I have NO way of getting "back ups" of!! And probably the most toxic ones I'm sure! He's shown no interest in the organic ones I bought of course!

He actually just recently even started to pay attention to stuffed animals since he's hit the Lover Boy phase. Before that, he never even looked their way so we'll see how long it lasts!