Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Acts of Riley

I have a list of blogs to do when I have time! Ha! Ha! Although...knock on 7 weeks old we seem to have turned a corner in the last few days with Conley at least taking 1 or 2 pretty good naps a day without being held in someone's arms! I'm getting really good at doing things 1-handed though! I did have a little break when Kelly's parents came for a week when Riley was 6 weeks old so I was able to catch up on household things that had been left undone! Literally - I still had not unpacked my suit case from the hospital!

Anyway...this post is about a few Random Acts of Riley that I've experienced or been told over the last few weeks. 

One day I was actually dressed by the end of the day and not due to feed Conley so I got to pick Riley up from school. On the drive home, I always ask if he had a good day, what did he learn, do, etc. This particular day he said - "Mommy, I had to go to the office. I in trouble." Oh no! I thought, who'd he hit this time?! LOL! I said - "What for?" He said "I was talking during nap time." I said - "Ri, you have to be quiet during nap time even if you aren't sleepy so everyone else can rest too." I turned around to look at him in his car seat and with every ounce of his little being he said "Mommy, I just can't be quiet!" Bless his little heart! I totally believe him! The boy NEVER stops talking! He's just being honest! I said, I understand it's hard sometimes but you have to try your hardest so everyone else can rest. 

And we probably don't help with our routine at home - Kelly and I each lie in bed with him at night for a few minutes after reading books to say his prayer and talk and sing songs, so he's used to getting one more round of talking/singing out of his system before he finally "powers down" for the night. 

To say his prayer we go back and forth: 
I say - Now I lay me
Ri says - down to sleep
I say - I pray the Lord
Ri says - my soul to keep
I say - your love be with me
Ri says - through the night 
I say - And wake me with
Ri says - the morning light. 

All together - AMEN! :) 

He also has another one they say at school God our Father - he says that one all by himself! 

Then Riley sings songs - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider and ABC's 2 times through. I've been trying to "video" it without the video - just the audio, but he always wants to grab my phone once he sees the light come on. 

It is one of the most prized and precious times to spend with him....

One night after we did our "usual", I could see his little mind just working..and I asked him what he was thinking about. He paused for a second then said without missing a beat "I'm thinking about a Darth Maul red double lightsaber Mommy!" Bless this boy's heart!! 

Sticking with the Star Wars theme - Kelly and I went to Riley's Thanksgiving luncheon last Friday. While we were there his teach told us 3 stories. She said one day he was running around and jumping when he was supposed to be lining up at the door, and when she told him to get in line. He turned around and looked at her and said "Ms. Amy - I'm a jedi!" Being the quick on her feet 3 yr old teacher she is - she said - "Well jedi's get in line too! They lead by example!" 

Then she said when she says let's sing songs - he asks her to sing the Star Wars song - which is really the Darth Vader march - Riley walks around our house singing "Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun" to the rhythm of the Darth Vader march! OMG - speaking of that - our friend Anne sent us the BEST Thanksgiving card that had Darth Vader's breathing followed by his march playing when you open it. Riley got the BIGGEST smile on his face when he opened that! And marched around with it ALL night! Of course, after he said Daddy let's play lightsabers - I'm Darth Vader and did his breathing!

Another school story was that Riley was sitting quietly beside a different teacher one day for a long time, then he turned and looked at Ms. Amber and totally out of the blue said "Ms. Amber - I love Anakin Skywalker!" Like I said before....bless his little heart!! 

Ms. Amy said if she remembers she's going to threaten to tell Darth Vader that Riley's not minding! LOL! I can see him replying with "I AM Darth Vader!" so that may backfire! 

What can we say....the boy has the Star Wars bug - BAD!!!!!

I think I've said it before...I can only IMAGINE the things that will come out of his mouth! Years of laughter and entertainment are guaranteed for Kelly and I...and now I can only imagine the things that will transpire between he and Conley...and the oh so many lightsaber duels that will happen in my house! 

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