Thursday, December 15, 2011

Riley's Royal Treatment

So...I remember a lady at work that has 2 sons telling me when I was pregnant with Riley - whatever you do, don't do everything for them! They'll just expect it when they get older! 

Well....I must have forgotten about that advice...Kelly has the excuse of never having heard it! ha! 

To say Riley gets the royal treatment may be an understatement.....just to give you a glimpse...this is his morning routine..during the winter at least. 

Kelly and I wake up - I go put Riley's clothes for the day in the dryer on high to 'warm them up'. Kelly goes down stairs to make whatever breakfast Riley has pre-ordered the night before at bedtime - pancakes (microwave kind at least), sausage, eggs, etc. 

While his clothes are 'warming up', I get in bed with him so we can snuggle. We put both our heads under the cover and I rub his arms, legs and back to 'warm him up'. Then I go get his shirt and we put his warm shirt on first! Then we do his warm pants and socks at the same time. Then he brushes his teeth while I fix his hair...then it's down for breakfast which is all ready and served at Riley's table. Then Kelly and I usually sit and eat breakfast with him..Conley too if he's awake. 

Then Kelly makes sure that he packs Riley's favorite snack in his backpack for the ride home too. 

Just a few of the things that are Riley's Royal treatment from BOTH Mom & Dad!

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