Friday, December 16, 2011

Good Big Brother!

Riley's so sweet to Conley...every day he comes home and gives him a hug and a kiss. And he's even thinking about it before he gets home - as we drove home yesterday he told me - Mommy, when we get home I'm going to give Conley a hug and a kiss! 

The other morning it was so cute - he was leaving for school with Kelly and he said "See ya later Mommy and Conster!" Awe.....melts a Mother's heart! Speaking of...Kelly and I called Conley - Conster the Monster a few times...and I guess Conster stuck! One day Riley said he wanted to call him Conley Con Con! I was like I thought nicknames were shorter! LOL! I told Kelly if he's the class clown like Kelly was we can call him Comic Con. ha! far so good! Riley LOVES Conley and loves to LOVE on him! I know that may change once Conley becomes mobile and even *thinks* about touching a lightsaber! Then all bets are off!!

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