Sunday, April 15, 2012

Conley Loves Adele!

This is awesome! A couple of months ago I had to take Kelly to the airport when he was going back to Maryland for his uncle's funeral, and Conley started wailing on the way back from dropping him off. In a desperate attempt, I turned on my Adele cd - it just happened to start at song 1 which is her hit single and Grammy winning I think now - Rolling in the Deep. And I'm not lying..within 20 seconds Conley stopped crying. After he stopped for a minute, I turned it down..and he started again so I turned it back up and he stopped. Things that make you go hmm.

So the next chance I had to test this out was picking Kelly up from the airport a few days later - bam! Worked AGAIN! 

I told Kelly about it and demonstrated it for him recently...and he couldn't believe it! Let's just say the rest is history. We've used it no less than 10+ more times...and it's worked EVERY time! As recent as last night, and it worked within 5 seconds at the most. In the beginning, it wouldn't work until the drum part started but now it tends to work even sooner! Thank you Adele! :) Otherwise, Mommy, Daddy and Riley would be Rolling in the Deep trapped in a car with a screaming baby!

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