Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Fun!

So this Easter marks the 1 year mark that the Easter Bunny brought Riley light sabers...oh little did we know where that small act would lead us! This year the Easter Bunny brought more Star Wars goodies!

First we did an egg hunt at Nancy's with Ethan & Emily! 

See the Darth Vader egg on the gate?!

 The following 3 pics prove how it's impossible to get 3 kids to look at the camera and say cheese at the same time! ha!

Opening all the eggs for goodies inside! Conley watching too!

Chunkalicious Himself!!

Easter Bunny brought lots of Star Wars stuff for Riley! :)

And some goodies for Conley too!

Kelly took some pics of Conley while I was getting ready Easter morning.

That's his teething necklace! It works!

Watching the FLASH that is Big Brother!
Let the hunting begin!

There's one!

Got it!

Conley & GiGi watching the action!

 At this point, Riley had filled his basket full and was ready to quit. When I urged him to continue, he shrugged his shoulders and said I have PLENTY already Mommy! Kelly laughed how he doesn't take after him b/c Kelly would have been racing to get them all!
 The only way we convinced Riley to hunt for more was to get them for PawPaw!

The basket is full, so we're on to filling the bag up!

All done! Too sunny over cheese!

Pooped out at Aunt Char's!

Pooped out within 5 minutes of leaving Aunt Char's. 

Notice he's still holding his Star Wars figures....

FINALLY! Asleep when we were 11 minutes from home!
I joke they are like a wrestling tag team. One goes to sleep, then tags the other one in! This ride home was just one example of that! ha!

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