Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another Apple Post

He also LOVES a few games on my iPhone. Peekaboo Barn is his all time FAV right now! And the Peekaboo I love you from Baby 1st TV. He just giggles and giggles at that one! And sometimes he'll hand it to me and say you do it b/c he's cracking up so much, he can't touch the thing he's hiding behind. Those are some other words - iTap, iTouch, iFindHim.

I swear...I can still pretty much take or leave my iPhone, but talk about a savior! I've had many more bites of dinner out at restaurants than I normally would have if I didn't have that phone! :)

My Little Apple Boy

Not the apple of my eye...although he is that too! :)

No...he should be getting paid fees for marketing for Apple lately because he is the iAnything and iEverything boy!! OMG! It's like the flood gate has been opened! I knew his vocabulary would increase once he started school, but I was beginning to wonder when that was going to kick in. Every now and then, he'll just randomly point to something like the wall and say "wall". And I'm thinking...I haven't said that word that I know of. Either way...he's the Apple boy. Here's a rundown of the few that Kelly and I can think of right this second.

iBubble (one of my favorites when he blows bubbles)
iDink (Drink)
iShoot (Bball of course...and he says bball ALL the time!)
iKiss (another one of my favs!)
iSide (aka Slide)

Pretty much iEverything. He hasn't started 'I do it!' yet! Thank goodness! It's funny for some reason I thought kids usually say Me do whatever...but I guess not. Either cute and sweet!

Monday, July 19, 2010

One More Thing!

So I tried to do this via text last night, and that was a complete bust! It broke my long text into many and posted them in the wrong order - so here it is!

OMG! You can't take your eyes off Riley or leave him alone for ONE second!!!!! And if you can't see him and he's quiet - you better RUN!!!

Here's the quick rundown of just the highlights I remember from this weekend!
  • He pulled my dresser over almost on top of him. I was so scared that when he looked up his teeth were going to be knocked out or something! Thank goodness it only scared him to death!
  • Well scared him for a 2nd because the very next day, I caught him grabbing the top of Kelly's dresser and trying to pull it over too! Guess we better reevaluate and do another round of "toddler" proofing this time!
  • I turned around and he was about to stick an ear phone jack into a plug.
  • A different time a set of pliers into a plug.
  • I turned around and he was peeing on my bathroom rug! Twice!! Like a puppy! So much for the let them run around naked to help with potty training. Of course,this was right after he got out of the shower too!
  • I came around the corner and he had pulled almost every single baby wipe out of the container and was giggling like crazy with every 'yank'!
  • I turned around and he had written all over his knees with a pen!
  • Everything in my house has crayon scribbles on it! Thank GOD they are washable!
  • I'm pretty sure Kelly & I will be frantically looking for a set of keys in the am because he's been playing with our keys all weekend while we've been down organizing on the 1st floor.
The best thing is that when he does something "questionable" sometimes the only reason I'm able to stop him is that he'll pause and turn around and look at me with this smirk on his face - like am I going to get away with this or is she going to catch me! I watched the Super Nanny yesterday....and I'm thinking we may have to start the "Naughty Step" timeout method sooner rather than later! ha!

That's all I can remember right now! He's becoming an even busier little boy! I didn't think that was possible!!! Throw in a dash of mischief and we have a recipe for some pretty memorable moments I'm sure!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This N That!

Just a real quick post so I don't get too far behind again!

GiGi and I got all the preparations for Riley's birthday done last weekend, so I can relax for a couple of weeks before I'm sure I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off again for the final preparations! I know! I know! Riley doesn't know, care and won't remember! But I WILL! :) Of course the theme is none other than BASKETBALL! I mean! What did you expect?!?!

I'm a little nervous the party may be too much or too long for Riley, but we'll see! It's difficult to plan when all our friends' and family's children that will be attending range in age from 8 months to 10 years old to find something accommodating for everyone! Including Riley! We're having it at Pump It Up which is an inflatable bounce house wonderland INSIDE, so it's climate controlled! Very important for a July 31st birthday party!

We went to my friend's little boys 2nd birthday party yesterday. All went well until the birthday cake and singing of the song - then Riley just started crying as everyone was singing Happy Birthday! It totally reminded me of when he used to cry when I would play the little Kindermusik harmonica for him, but then he still wanted me to keep doing it! We joked that someone must have been out of tune by his standards! I hope that's not a sign of how well his birthday party is going to go!

So as of this week - Riley's new "filler word" meaning the word he says for everything whether he doesn't know the word, or he would normally just be saying ummmm, while he's thinking of the word is Mommy! My dream come true! ha! But it's Kelly's nightmare! I went to see the Beauty and the Beast musical (LOVED IT!!!!!) with my girl friends this week, and Kelly said all he heard the ENTIRE night was Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! I thought he was exaggerating until the next morning started out the SAME way! And it's been like that ever since! Careful what you wish for! But it has to be music to a Mommy's ears! :) However, it's a little weird b/c it's almost like he's taken 2 steps forward and 1 back on his vocabulary. Maybe this is the calm before the toddler talking storm! Oh and by the way, every day on my drive home after picking up Riley all I get to hear is DaDa, DaddYYYYY, DaDaDaddY, all the way home until the garage opens and there is full on squealing until Kelly opens the garage door to greet us! The days when Kelly isn't home before us aren't fun! I try to warn Riley that Daddy will be home later, but there's always a little bit of a let down if Daddy doesn't come to the door!

Riley LOVES pancakes! He'll eat them up like the last supper! We've been having them on the weekends, and watch your fingers b/c he's coming through!! :)

He loves the play area at McDonald's too. That's our go to indoor play area lately because it's been raining so much and preventing him from going outside at school or in the evenings.

Man! Do I ever wish his last 4 molars would just COME IN ALREADY!!! We've digressed to him waking up with them about 5 days out of the week for the last 4 weeks! And Kelly and I are out of practice on the lack of sleep front!!! It's NO fun!

OH yes! A milestone today! He FINALLY blew a bubble by himself!!! Yippee! He and I sat out on our patio for over an hour practicing..and then he finally got it!! And they were cute little baby bubbles!! Just his size! Of course it took 2 bottle of bubbles before he blew any successfully! He would get so distracted trying to blow the bubble..he'd just pour the bubbles out of the bottle in his other hand! And he was so excited! He said Yea!!! When he did it too!

Okay...that'll have to do for now! I've got to get to bed in case tonight is another sleepless night!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There's no crying baseball!

Sorry! I love that line, so I couldn't resist using it for this post! Today is the first day I dropped Riley off at school, and he didn't cry one tear!! Yea!!!! I was beginning to think this day would never come! And I really didn't think it would happen after a long weekend, but I guess he had his fill of me this weekend!

Drop off time is during their outside play time, so that definitely helps. So I put him down, and he went running off like he was going to start playing! This was a first too! Then he eventually came running back to give me a hug and kisses! It's so sweet because now he'll give you a hug and kiss when you ask for one! Not all the time, but most of the time. I ended up having to hand him to Ms. Jessica (his teacher). When I did he looked at me and his bottom lip quivered for one second, then he took a deep breath more like a sigh - then he waved and say bye bye to me! Awe...I've been so good at not crying once while dropping him off at Sloan, but this almost made me cry!! My little boy all grows up!!! (Another movie quote from Old School!) You can thank my husband for all the movie quote lines...he and his friends are the ones that got me started down that path!

Monday, July 5, 2010

I haven't forgotten about the blog!

I just haven't been able to find time to do it lately!! So much going on, and with it being summer it just seems like we're always doing something during the time I would normally blog!

I don't even remember the last time I blogged! That's how bad it is!! Initially it was due to my travel schedule in April and May, but once I lost my normal time slot - I've just been struggling to get back to it! I do still walk around thinking I need to blog this or that, or just I need to blog PERIOD! What can you do?! I can't always be firing on all cylinders!!

Riley is quickly becoming more and more of a "toddler" than my little baby! :( Although he'll always be my little baby!! And my little man! And my Smoochie! He does still have his rubber band wrists and cheeks though! The cheeks just aren't as full as they used to be! And he's quickly having spouts of toddler defiance and frustration! Wowzer! Kelly and I have coined it bipolar toddler years!

He's going to school now at The Sloan School, which is a Christian school in Irving that we LOVE!! It's a long story about how we ended up there. It was always at the top of my list, but I thought he was too young to go there right now. Let's just say divine intervention was at play there, and I'm very thankful!! We ended up having 2 first weeks in daycare due to how BADLY the first place and week went! It was HORRIBLE!! It ended with Mom having a 3 hour crying session after dropping him off on Wednesday morning. Then Kelly admitted that place wasn't working for him either, so we never took Riley back.

Riley's favorite things are still basketball and dancing! And jabbering on and on! If we only knew what he was saying!! Sometimes I think he's letting me have it, but how would I know?! Oh yeah, and swimming and splash parks. My friend Darcy and I took him to an AWESOME one yesterday near her house after we went for a run with him. I'll have to upload some pictures from my phone later to share. Oh yeah and "siding" = Sliding at the playground. He can spot a 'side' from a mile AWAY!

We went on a camping trip (in a luxury cabin) for Memorial Day again. This is the same trip we went on last Labor Day too. Angie and I got to see one of my best high school friends in town fro Denver last Sunday - it's amazing. We all left Grand Saline as quickly as we could after graduation and went our separate ways. And now we all have little boys aged 3, 2 and 1! Funny how life works out that way sometimes! It was great to see Amanda! Now we're planning a girls' trip! It's a little difficult to really catch up when you're chasing wild toddlers around!

We also took a trip to see Kelly's family in Maryland back in April. Riley did so good on the plane, drive and in the hotel! It was a really good trip! It's so important to know your extended family and where you came from so I'm glad we're able to go back so Riley can spend time with them. He's still a little young to really get it, but it still matters! The highlight was probably one night at Kelly's parents house where Riley got into his 'zone' and performed all his repertoire of tricks for them! We were all laughing so hard our stomachs and cheeks hurt! And all I could think when I reflected back on that was this is the joy a child is supposed to bring into people's lives! And Riley does that on a daily basis!

I'm already feverishly planning birthday party #2 too! We're having it at Pump It Up and the theme is ......drum roll.....BASKETBALL! Imagine that!! My Mom is coming this weekend to help me figure out the final touches, so we should be all set soon! And Kelly's parents and Riley's Great Aunt Shireen are coming down from Maryland for his birthday too. So it should be a good time for all!!

Okay...I have to get some sleep now! More sooner rather than later hopefully! :)