Monday, March 28, 2011

Riley Reading to Daddy!

Last night I was folding laundry next to Riley's room, and I could hear him in there reading his books. It's SCARY b/c I don't think he's reading them! He just has them ALL memorized! He read almost every page of the entire stack of books to me this last weekend! So I told Kelly to grab the video camera so we could capture it! OMG! Cracks me up!! 

This is one of his original Kindermusik books that he still LOVES! Obviously! 

Good times in the Sterne household!! He makes Kelly and I giggle on a daily basis!

Not already!

I thought I had at least another year before this happened, but tonight Riley grabbed one of his medicine bottles, FAKE coughed and handed the bottle to me and said in a pitiful voice - Mommy, I need medicine. I cough. I said "Let me hear that cough again!" And he did it again! LOL! At least he takes medicine easily I guess! We've really only given him homeopathic honey cough medicine, so I can see why he likes it! But STILL! Little faker!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This N That!

Just a quick general post on Life with Riley these days. This has to be one of the best phases of parenthood. Just walking over to the park with Riley is an experience...he's basically nonstop color commentary. Look Mommy! Pwane! (Plane) Look Mommy! Bird! When we get to the playground, if anyone is there he starts yelling "Hey guys! I'm here! I brought my basketball! Here I come!" He's infamous at the playground! Everyone knows Riley and how much he LOVES basketball! 

It's just a fun time of "Get me Mommy! Get me!" - which means I have to chase him while he runs almost falling from giggling so hard! We did that for a good 30 minutes in the cold, rain this morning! (Remind me of this if he's ill tomorrow am!) Then we played in a puddle of water for another 10 minutes running back and forth through it and looking at our footprints and jumping and splashing. The simplest things are the MOST fun with him right now! 

We can have full on conversations about certain things! He got his hair cut the week before last, and he STILL hates it and cries the entire time! But I feel like I have to tell him where we're going - I don't want to just spring it on him! So as we drove there it went something like this:

Mommy - "We're going to see Ms Sheree"
Riley - "No Mommy! I don't like haircut!" I didn't even know he knew her name! ha!
Mommy - "Why don't you like it?"
Riley - "No Mommy! It tickles my neck!" As he grabs his neck. 
Mommy - "Well you're not supposed to cry if it tickles! Remember Ms. Sheree will give you a sucker after your all done."
Riley - perking up - "Suckaaah?!" 
Mommy - "Yes, if you just sit there still and let her cut your hair REALLY fast, you'll get your sucker in no time!" 
Riley - "Okay Mommy." 

We park at the place, he starts saying No Mommy and cries through the entire hair cut. She takes the cape off him - he magically stops and asks "Can I have a suckaaah peez?" And we're done! He even says "Thank you Ms Sheree". I think he's just conditioned and thinks he has to cry now! 

Speaking of - he is a creature of habit - you do something ONE time - and the association is FOREVER made! We went to McDonald's for 'cake-cakes' (pancakes) ONE time, and McDonald's will forever be cake-cakes - he just doesn't understand they don't serve them 24/7.

Kelly went and got us donuts for breakfast ONE Saturday morning - now Riley wakes up every Saturday morning - "Daddy Donuts!" He even did it this weekend with Kelly out of town, so he and I had to go get donuts ourselves! 

In the morning when we leave, Kelly always walks us out to the garage and puts Riley in his car seat and Riley says "Bye Daddy! See you tomorrow!" as we back out EVERY morning! 

When we pull in the garage at the end of the day, he starts yelling "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy coming!". If for some reason, Kelly isn't home before us - I have to start preparing him before we get close! 

Every night when it's bath time, he has to run in the corner of his room naked and lie down with his stuffed animals and blanket and say "I sleeping Mommy!" and breathe heavy like he's already asleep! 

He always has to run a "lap" around the house naked after his bath too! Just giggling the whole way!

Every morning as soon as I pick him up out of his bed, he says "Go see Daddy" so we have to go see Daddy and wake him up too. 

OMG! He's just soooo sweet! More and more we are getting unsolicited "I WUV you Mommy/Daddy!" which melts my heart every time! He even told my friend Darcy - "Bye, I wuv you Darcy!" as we were leaving from meeting her for breakfast this am. 

We still have to listen to the "Buzz Year sad" song in the car almost every car trip. 

As soon as I put him in his car seat at school when I pick him up, he immediately starts saying "pack-pack! snacks!" Meaning - get the snacks you better hope you didn't forget to pack this am out of my backpack please! Stat! I'm hungry! 

Anytime my phone rings - he says "GiGi" because she's the only person he's ever really talked to on the phone. 

Okay....that's all I can think of for now!

Ms. Emily Saves Halloween!

Okay...I won't even go into all my excuses why this post is SO late! :) It's the pictures! Uploading and arranging them is what drives the most time! Still...that's a really lame excuse! Better late than never though!

So Riley was "Buzz Year" for Halloween this year! OMG! It was SO adorable! I'm a total sucker for the Disney costumes now! They are so much better!! His wings even lit up! Ironically, Kelly and I bought his Halloween costume on a whim while we were in LA for The Price Is Right in September!

He caught on to the Halloween method pretty quickly this year! He just kept saying "Next House" and running to the next house! He didn't ever really get the "no porch light on" concept though! He was ADORABLE! Of course, I think that but he was! He would knock on the door and say TWick or TWeat before they answered, then he'd just stand there with his pumpkin held out. We went with Ethan and Emily again this year, so he had a blast chasing Ethan - I mean Batman - around. And they had fun playing in the backyard after we were done trick or treating.

He also had a Halloween Party at school too! Good times!

Kelly and his friends were 70s tennis players this year. McEnroe, Borg and Agassi..well Agassi was the 80s version, but old school tennis players. And that almost all went up in smoke when we lost our babysitter to a stomach bug the morning of the night we were supposed to go out! OMG! Talk about stressful! I was on the phone like a stock broker! You think it's bad when the Grinch steals should be around when Kelly misses Halloween! Especially after we had spent hours researching and shopping and comparing outfits starting as far back as August!!! The outfits may not look like much, but rest assured there was detail put into EVERY single piece of them! And this is so WEIRD! AFTER Halloween - John McEnroe wore the EXACT shirt Kelly is wearing in a commercial!!! What?!??! How did that happen?! So freaky! Kelly and I just looked at each other like NO WAY the first time we saw it on tv!! Kelly based it on a shirt he wore back in the 70's initially. Kelly's always a year ahead in his Halloween costumes - every time he dresses up as something - the movie comes out the next year or something like that.

After the babysitter freak out - I now realize how lucky my parents were to have my Grandparents right across the pasture when we were growing up! I'm not naive enough to not realize there was also a downside to being THAT close to your in-laws, but STILL! Kelly and I don't have that luxury when Riley's sick, or we need a sitter at the last minute, etc. And we can only depend on GiGi and Talana so many times before we use them up! We now have a teacher from Riley's school in our arsenal as well! And I plan to add another in hopes of avoiding these panic situations in the future!  However, in this instance - Ms. Emily SAVED Daddy's Halloween! They happened to not have plans and technically trick or treating was the following night so she graciously offered to let Riley spend the night with her like he used to! And Riley had a blast as usual with Rowan and Camden! It was like he never missed a beat with them!

And Daddy had fun too! So all's well, ends well in the end!

Here's the pictures that caused me to be so late posting this blog! I just did them all in a row instead of organizing them within the text - that takes even LONGER! At least I got this posted before Halloween THIS year! LOL!

We're ready!!

Singing Buzz Year

Emily is NOT impressed!

Now it's a duet!



The entourage!

Bumming a ride with Uncle Kelly/Daddy already!

Twick or Tweat!

CAUGHT on Camera! We have Emily's 1st of many right crosses!

Eww! She's getting 'the look'!

I can FLY like Buzz!

Emily got the jeep all to herself after the right cross!



This picture is the epitome of kids at play! Who can even guess what was so funny!

Awe! My Sweetie!!

I better put the camera DOWN! We have a gun AND a hoe!

Batman sliding!

Here comes Buzz!

Watch out Mommy!
Riley at his school party! He's far left by Ms. Dina.

Eating lunch! Wondering why Mom is here taking my picture!

Riley & Ms Dina - even a little "cheeeeeze" smile!

I just love this picture! Batman & Buzz! Ready for action!

Sweet Little Princess!

What?! I get candy?!

Finally powering DOWN!

McEnroe, Agassi, Borg!



Me & Kelly - I mean McEnroe!

Josh & Nancy

The boys!

5 More Minutes!

Recently,  I had one of those parenting moments where I made the right decision and saw the results immediately. 

I think it was the Monday night after the time change a few weeks ago, and it was my night to put Riley to bed. We did all our usual - read books, lights out and rock a few minutes. Then when I went to put him in bed, he pointed back to the rocking chair and said "More rocking peez Mommy". I have to admit there are nights when he does this and I say we already rocked - it's time for bed because I have a list of 20 things I need to get done between the time he goes to bed and I do swirling through my head - workout, load the dishwasher, etc. But for whatever reason, this night - I chose not to care about all that and live in the moment. As I was rocking him, I was thinking - oh how I'll have hours and days of wishing for 5 more minutes of rocking chair time when he's older!

Riley must have sensed my thoughts because he upped the ante even more! I got some of the best Riley snuggles I've gotten in a while. We rock at night, but he's a busy body til the moment he falls asleep so he's always squirming and chatting me up the whole time. But this time he sat still and quiet and rubbed my arm. Then he sat up while I was rocking him, grabbed my face and said I WUV you Mommy! And I can't think of ANYTHING else that could top reward for a simple "5 more minutes" investment of my time! 

Obviously, I don't always reflect back on "moments" and think I did the right thing, but this night there was NO question I made the right decision!

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm popping Mommy! OMG! We just had one of those moments I have to capture on the blog before I forget! Riley was 'tooting' LOUD across the room. All of the sudden he comes running up to me and says 'Listen Mommy! I'm popping!' Oh kids! They say the darndest (sp?) things! :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Boy likes his pancakes & Sausage! We're having breakfast for dinner @ IHOP! Trying to post a link to a video from my phone via text. We'll see if this works!

We DID it!

Or I DID IT! As Riley would say! We made it ALL week without one tear shed at our morning drop offs!! Yippee! It's amazing how much faster I can make it to work when they go so smoothly! AND I'm focused and not emotionally out of whack due to Working Mommy guilt starting off every morning! 

We've also (KNOCK ON A HUGE REDWOOD TREE) made it an entire week without Riley getting ill! The only bad thing is that we were able to accomplish that due to him rounding out his last round of antibiotics from the ear infection last week AND allergy medicine every day! Which Kelly and I don't like having to do! He's too young to be pumping him full of medicine every day! PLUS, we had to tweak when we would give it to him b/c it kept him from going to bed at night and from taking a nap at school. So we've been having the school give it to him after his nap, makes him a CRAZY man! OMG! Last night, we went to dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary, and Kelly was like I'd rather have him sick than acting like this! He's out of control!!! 

And all waiters should be sent to a class on "how to wait on a family with a high chair"! Get the chips out FAST, take the orders FAST and all appetizers and entrees at the same time AND bring the check with the entrees if we don't order dessert when we order the entrees! Just my 2 cents!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maturing Every Day!

I think I posted about Riley all of the sudden speaking in complete sentences before, but it was funny b/c Kelly and I had that conversation and the next day when he picked Riley up - his teacher Ms. Dina said the same thing! She was like it all just started clicking over night! I'm sure you've all heard this soap box enough, but he's the YOUNGEST one in his class! So the fact that it's just now clicking for him is probably exactly when it should be! Every kid in his class except 1 other boy is already 3, and 6 months of age difference between 2.5 and 3 is A LOT! Anyway, it's amazing to watch him grow and take in the world. It's even more amazing to see his different reactions to things we all take for granted. 

We also had another maturity milestone yesterday and today - Monday's are usually the most difficult drop off days b/c he's been home with us all weekend. And when we pulled up, I though this Monday would be no different (of course, I had no time to spare in my haste to get to my usual 1st thing Monday morning meeting with my boss) because when we turned into the school - I heard a little whimper from the back seat. I just said - 'Awe! It'll be fun! You get to go to Chapel and see Ms. Dina and play with all your friends!' And much to my amazement, when we walked into his room 2 of his friends came over to give him hugs! So sweet! It was funny though! He totally let John give him a hug, then stepped back and waved and said 'Hi John'. Then Matthew came over and gave him a BIG bear hug! And Riley stepped back and said 'No Matthew! No touching Riley!' Those two CRACK me UP! They totally have a love/hate relationship! I've seen Riley run give him a hug when Matthew's Dad drops Matthew off after Riley too! 

Anyway, I guess the hug greetings paid off b/c without solicitation - Riley turned around, waved and said 'Bye Mommy! I love you!' I was in a such a state of shock, I almost ran out without saying bye back! I just said 'Bye! I love you! Have a good day!' And he waved and said 'Bye Mommy!' one more time then walked off toward the room! Yippee!!! How could I NOT have a good Monday morning after that?! 

I usually feel like an emotional wreck by the time I get to work! Always running late, then a traumatic, screaming 'No Mommy' drop off! That was a nice change of pace! It also happened again this morning! And he even had a substitute teacher this am, so we're on a ROLL! Fingers crossed this continues! It makes for a much better emotional start to my day!

Same Weight!

It's so amazing how much Riley is growing! Kelly and I are constantly looking at each other and saying - he's so BIG! Where did our little boy go?! 

But the funny thing is that he's only gained 2.5-3 lbs! I actually went back and looked at his 2 yr old checkup stats:
Weight: 33 3/4 lbs 95-97%

And the last few dr visits I remember he's weighed 35.5-36 lbs every time! However, he just keeps getting TALLER! I swear lately, every long sleeve shirt I've bought him - he's only worn ONCE then the very next time I put them on him - they are too short! And not because I shrunk them in the wash! I'm a total glutton for punishment on clothes washing! I do all separate loads and cold water and low dryer, blah-blah! Although, I did finally go against my own instinct and try those "color fader" sheets! And it worked! So I washed more "colors" together than I normally would have. I still can't fathom putting white in with red or black! That's just asking for way too much faith! 

Anyway, I finally broke down and ordered him 4T's last week! We'll see if they are too big in the waist when they come in. They are basketball shorts, so I'm hoping the elastic will be our friend! 

I need to design some big and tall toddler clothes! :) I could sell them to all the basketball player Mom's!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Working Mom Curse!

Wow! So the last few weekends have definitely been the working Mom's curse! Riley has come home 2 of the last 3 Friday's with fever and ended up being sick the entire weekend. 

The 1st weekend, his teacher followed us out to the car to tell me Riley had his BEST day ever at school! She said he did everything I asked on the 1st time, helped his friends finish their projects, etc! So we drive home (8 minutes), then we I go to pick him up out of his car seat I was like Wow! You feel hot! Took him upstairs - sure enough he had a pretty high fever! :( Poor baby! Bless his little heart! His best day at school EVER was because he was sick! That's our boy!!! He seemed to be better by Sunday evening just in time for the weekend to end and to head back to school Monday. 

And thank goodness b/c I had a 2 day in town conference, then a 2 day meeting with IBM in Austin on Thursday and Friday. So on Friday, I fly back from Austin and land at 7pm. I was glad I got on an earlier flight, so I got home in time to see Riley before he went to bed. Little did I know, we'd be spending the entire night together! He went to bed around 9pm, then started crying at 10:30pm and pretty much didn't stop ALL NIGHT! We were supposed to go to my cousin Cassie's son Parker's 1st birthday party Saturday, but we had to skip it. He did sleep better Saturday night and seemed better Sunday, but then he ended up crying most of the night Sunday again! Of course, I had a 6 hour super important meeting I was supposed to attend at work that day, but what can you do?! When you're baby is sick...he's sick! :( And when he's sick - bless Kelly's heart - he ONLY wants Mommy! So I had to miss the important meeting! Then by Monday night, I was feeling under the weather too! So we stayed home an extra day to recover! 

Then Thursday, Kelly had his wisdom teeth removed so I had to go back into Nurse Misty mode! Other than a little hallucinating (he thought he was swimming in he aquarium at the dentist's office) and an allergic reaction that made his nose itch, Kelly came through his procedure like a champ! However, that meant we had pretty much 3 "sick" weekends in a row! Mommy needs a sick day to recover from all the nursing! :)

So...the working Mom Curse is sick babies always happen on Friday night! And the really sick days that require doctor visits and only Mommy love inevitably coincide with some been on the schedule for 3 months, very important meeting! What can you do?! Planes didn't fall out of the sky, so I guess we'll all live!

Here's to hoping for a few good weekends in a row for ALL of us!