Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where's my baby?!

Wow! It seems like overnight Riley is talking in full sentences. Yesterday on the way home he just announced - "I want to go home and go to the park and run in the grass!" 

I had to do a double take! I was like you want to what?! And he repeated the entire sentence! Then when we got home - he told Kelly exactly what he wanted to do too! Kelly just looked at me like what happened today at school?! 

I'm sure these full sentences will come in pretty handy for bossing us around even more! LOL!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fists of Fury!

Riley definitely has overwhelming surges of testosterone! And if you are in the vicinity - watch out! Sometimes he'll just grab your face and get right in your face and just ramble on with his teeth gritted like I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I want to HURT you right now! 

If he does lose control for a second, he usually catches himself and immediately says "Sorry for hitting/hurting you" and rubs your cheek and gives you a hug! 

Mr. Boss Man!

Wow! Has Riley ever become bossy?! 

Here are just a few of the "commands" we hear on a daily basis: 

"Mommy, sit down"
"Right here!" 
"Mommy, no! Stop it! Don't touch Riley's hair/face/shirt/whatever I may be touching!" (This one sounds like something he hears when he gets put in timeout at school!)
"Go Daddy!" 
"Get out of here" 
"Get in here"

Sometimes we feel like a toddler must feel - we don't know whether to come or go/sit or stay!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Basketball Dreamin'

So anyone that knows me knows how much I love imagine how adorable I thought it was this week when Riley wanted to sleep with his basketball! :) He's had to sleep with it a few nights this week! I can't imagine it's very comfortable, but whatever floats his boat!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Amazing Parental Milestones!

This week we hit one of my FAVORITE milestones of parenting thus far! The unsolicited "I WUV you Mommy!" OMG! It'll make your heard melt! The first time it happened we were actually at the playground this past Sunday, and Riley was up on the platform and I was standing on the ground near him. First he said "Comere" in his Riley way, then he said "I hug" and hugged me then he said "I WUV you Mommy!" OMG! I almost cried right then and there! He's been saying it back to us for a while, but this is a whole new experience! 

Since then he's said it to each of us pretty much every day this week at random times! This morning he said it to us both as we were waking him up. And it drives home the point even further that life is what happens in those little moments each day...not the big planned events or special moments you try to intentionally create! Getting an unsolicited hug and I WUV you beats any birthday party! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tummy Bugs are No Fun!

Riley had his first tummy bug since he's been at Sloan last night and today, and it's been no fun! His teacher Ashley (who is our new babysitter outside of family and Talana) brought him and her daughter Aubree home from school yesterday so Kelly and I could go to a Birthday Happy Hour for my friends from work. When we got home, Ashley said he didn't really want to eat dinner and said he was all done with the bubble bath before she even got him washed which is NEVER the case! We usually have to let all the water and bubbles out for him to get out. All the while, Riley's saying 'Bye Bye Bubbles'. 

This morning they had predicted another layer of snow and ice. I got up to check, and once I saw it was there went back to bed! Since my commute was going to be one room to another in my jammies, I could sleep another hour or so! 

Anyway, every morning the routine when Riley wakes up or it's time for him to get up - I go get him out of his crib and bring him into our room to wake Daddy up. This morning he was immediately asking for his milk - milk peezzz Mommy! I brought him a cup up, and he immediately drank every drop of it! We just thought WOW! He's thirsty! Then just as I said, he's probably hungry since he didn't eat last night - PROJECTILE right back at me! Yuck!! He did it 4 more times before the upchuck Olympics was over! And since he only wants Mommy when he's sick - that meant I got to wear it all 4 times! Then when I went back into his room later in the morning I saw that he had actually been throwing up at night, but he didn't even cry or anything so we didn't know! :( He hasn't been ill since before lunch, but Riley's still not back to himself! Poor Baby! The only silver lining when he's ill is that he loves his Mommy even more and is all about snuggle time! Bless his little heart though! He slept all afternoon, got up 2 hours then went right back to bed. I hope he wakes up feeling better and ready to eat us out of house and home tomorrow! I miss my rambunctious little man! Today was the most he's every fallen asleep in my arms or in my lap since he was an itty bitty baby! 

Riley's a Jibber Jabbering Fool!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Let the questions and chatter begin!! 

WazDAT Mommy/Daddy?! Is what we hear most often! And DAT is very LOUD! Anything and everything is fair game! 

I FOUND IT! Is the another top 3 phrase we hear the most just behind More Peezzz! The cutest thing about I FOUND IT is that he'll ask you where something is - Where's my Buzz Year Mommy? And when I hand it to him, he'll hold it in the air and say 'I FOUND IT MOMMY'! And I mean anytime he picks something up, sees something across the room whether he was looking for it or not, it's all fair game once again! 

I DID IT! Is another one! Anything we do - puzzles, racing cars, eating, taking a bath, putting on lotion, basketball, bicycle. I DID IT MOMMY! 

Comere as in Come-Here Mommy! And how can I not go wherever he wants me to go when he asks like that! He'll grab your hand now and say 'Comere Mommy' to sit with him or play with him. If he's already sitting, he'll say 'Comere Mommy and pat the chair and say 'Sit Rightere Mommy!' 

And they are ALL adorable and irresistible of course!!