Sunday, July 17, 2011

Riley's 1st 3rd Birthday Present!

I couldn't resist! Riley opened his first birthday present from Nicolas today. Christina gave it to us yesterday at Nicolas' party because they may not be able to make his upcoming party. :('s a monogrammed Star Wars beach towel! He LOVED it! Not only did Riley LOVE it! Daddy loved it too! In fact, Daddy loved it so much he doesn't want Riley to use it as a towel - he wanted to just hang it on his wall as decoration! As you can see - as soon as it came out, the lightsabers had to come out too! LOL! Then we had to use it at bath time tonight for SURE! Then we had to hang it to dry so Riley could see Darth Vader's face & helmet! 

I think we set a record and had 1 hour without lightsaber action today. And we didn't want the movie either! But when I was rocking Riley at bedtime tonight - he out of the blue says "Mommy, Skywalker fall down." 

Oh what I'd give to have a readout of the random thoughts running through his little head!

Riley's First Movie Theater Movie!

This is when we first sat down - he was like What's THAT?!
Riley did AWESOME at his first movie today! I saw that Winnie the Pooh was out and that it was only 1 hour and 15 minutes long, so we decided to give it a go! We had donuts with GiGi then went to an "early bird" showing. Pretty much every parent had the same idea! The theater was packed! Riley did so good! We got there earlier than we intended to, but he was all about it! He probably sat and watched at least 3 quarters of the movie before he started to get restless and wanted to stand up and move around a bit. I let him stand up. 

He did give play by play action a few times and was talking pretty loud, but only on a few scenes. They did a really good job with the movie pace and peppering in songs to grab their attention back at regular intervals. 

The only issue was had was when it was over - Riley didn't understand why we couldn't watch it again Mommy like we do at home! ha! All day today he would randomly say - "Mommy - Pooh's over. I want to watch it again."

I'd like to take him to see Cars 2, but it's almost 2 hours long! What were they thinking for a kid movie?! I don't think we're ready for that level of commitment yet! 

It was crazy though! We had donuts on our way to the movie and I SWEAR Riley killed more of the large "copcorn" than the rest of us! He's a machine like his Daddy sometimes!

Then he settled in with his LARGE "copcorn"!


Kelly, Riley, GiGi and Mommy had donuts on the way to Riley's First Movie Theatre movie today! Yummy! 

Donut holes and Donut Fingers!
That hole never stood a chance!

Yucky!! Clean my donut fingers Mommy!
 Riley FREAKS out if he has anything on his fingers..he hasn't gotten the "lick 'em" concept yet! And if he spills a drop of yogurt! Watch out! Total freak out!

Nicolas' 3rd Birthday Party

We went to Nicolas' 3rd birthday party on Saturday. Nicolas' Mom and I were pregnant at the same time at work when I was pregnant with Riley, so they've known each other since they were in the wombs! They are our big growing boys now! Getting too big every day! 

Riley and Kelly had fun swimming and playing in the pool! I  think Kelly was as tired as Riley was afterwards though! Nicolas loves Thomas the Train as much as Riley loves basketball and Star Wars, so it was a fun Thomas themed party! And every child wanted the Thomas train off the cake! Good times! 

I realized after the fact that I didn't even get a picture of Riley and Nicolas together! A Kodak moment faux paux! Oops!

Friday, July 15, 2011

MORE Star Wars

Last night after Kelly and Riley finished watching Empire Strikes Back - we were doing something later on and Riley randomly says - Darth Vader is still in my head Mommy. I AM the FATHER! LOL! THEN...when he was brushing his teeth after his bath, he says it again - Mommy, Darth Vader is still in my head! If Riley were waking up in the middle of the night right now - I'd blame Kelly for exposing him to Star Wars violence! There are 2 bad scenes in the movie where Darth Vader cuts off Luke's hand...Riley drew his own conclusion and said - Mommy - he knocked his light saber out of his hand - so we're going with that one explanation for now. Then there's another one where Yoda is making Luke face his greatest fear or something..I don't know..and he cuts off what appears to be Darth Vader's head (it sounds WAY more gory than it is), and Riley said Mommy, he knocked his helmet off! So we're going with that explanation AND fast forwarding through that part of the movie now! I'm probably overly protective of Riley seeing things he shouldn't on TV, and Kelly is overly oblivious! Which I don't get b/c he was a scared of all sorts of stuff when he was a young kid! And we already know Riley inherited his obsessive tendencies and overly active imagination! LOL! 

So today...Kelly and I both went to get Riley from school and when we walked in the door at home - the FIRST words out of Riley's mouth were none other than - Where are the light sabers? Seriously...bless his heart! I can't make this stuff up! 

Of course, Kelly and I don't help matters! I had bought Riley a new Star Wars shirt a few weeks ago at Nordstrom's (in the NON little boy size), and when I got it they had a Darth Vader one I didn't buy. So I gave in and bought it today, and of course I couldn't wait 2 weeks until his birthday to give it to him so I showed it to him today. He just said Darth Vader shirt! Then went to get his light sabers...then as he's playing light sabers with Kelly - all of the sudden he says - I want to wear my Darth Vader shirt! Kelly put it on him, and he said I AM THE FATHER! 

I'm thinking I should have bought at least 2 of those shirts b/c we may have a daily battle because he'll want to wear it EVERY day! Bless us all.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back!

110 degree activity...watching Empire Strikes Back....the 1st movie Riley has ever watched all the way through! So now we have to "discuss" watching it almost EVERY day! Blue's Clues...where are you?! :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

One more!

Riley had to give the treadmill at Play for Sport a try the other day! This may have to be our "rainy day" back up plan! LOL!


Woo! I'm tired!

And my eyes are dry from all this blogging! Hopefully I'll be able to keep up a little better now! As usual - my main hold up recently has been uploading the pictures! Whenever someone figures out how to make that seamless & easy - they are going to be rich! It's not that hard - it's just that I have to go downstairs to our desktop, and with the iPad, my phone and laptop - I hardly every make that trek these days! 

I promise to try harder though! Hope you enjoy the flash blogging and catching up on what we've been up to the last few months!

To Infinity & Beyond!

Riley just randomly started doing this! Initially, he was actually jumping but by the time I started recording - he was slowing down to a plop down. We weren't watching Toy Story or anything...this just came out of nowhere! Oh to be able to know what's going on in that little head of his! 

Uno, Dos, Tres!

So a couple of months ago - Riley just all of the sudden starts counting in Spanish. I swear I think they have Spanish for 20 minutes a week! I never thought it would actually take! LOL! 

If you say count in Spanish though...he usually starts with quatro (sp?) for some reason, then he says nueve, YEA! Insead of Nueve, Diez! 

So funny and TOO cute! 

Too Cool for School!

Mommy's little Cool Moe Dee! He won't wear his own sunglasses! But he will mine!

4th of July Weekend Fun

Besides going to see "Boom Boom" - what Riley did call thunder and now also calls fireworks 3 nights in a row! We also had fun in the sun AND water because it was SO HOT! 

Josh & Kelly took him swimming one day.  I love it! He's squealing like a little girl that Josh is going to get him, then as soon as Josh starts going the other way he shouts "I here!" like come get me!!

Kelly and I took him to the splash park Darcy turned us on to last year one day! It's still a FAV! He LOVES it! Especially when Daddy plays too! So funny though - every family there was there with little boys! Gotta let them run that energy off somehow!!

Riley's Rocket

Two nights ago Kelly and I were cooking dinner, and out of no where Riley walks up hands this to me and says "Look Mommy! I drew a rocket!" 

I couldn't believe how good it was! He's usually just drawing circles or something! So I had to do the Mom thing and take a pic! 

Donuts for Daddy @ Sloan for Father's Day

Sloan has Donuts for Daddy for Father's Day every year, so Kelly went to school with Riley in the am for donuts! Which is AWESOME! Because they are a favorite of BOTH Riley & Kelly! We've been having them every weekend for WAY too long now!

Daddy & Riley about to head to school for Donuts with Daddy!
Daddy's hat Riley made him!
Sweet Ms. Ashley!
Another pic of Daddy sporting his new custom made hat at the end of the day!
Daddy also got a Vitamix blender for his birthday! So we've been having very healthy and very yummy shakes and concoctions out of it almost every day since! Orange sorbet anyone? It's like a new toy! Every time Kelly turns it on Riley says "Daddy's making shakes Mommy!!"

Riley & Daddy playing in the Vitamix blender box b/c that's what boys do!
Riley trying on Daddy's big shoes! He'll be filling these shoes WAY before Mommy's ready for him to!

Annual Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip

We had a great time on our annual trip to Beavers Bend, Oklahoma this year! Josh & Nancy joined us with Angie, Korey, Kaden, Ami, Aaron and another new couple Michelle & Will. We had 10 adults and 6 kids this year! 
 Having cable tv was a must! And the Toy Story movies bought us enough time to fix dinner/lunch on more than one occasion. The guys played golf one day, the girls went to Girls Gone Wine! And the girls took the kiddos to ride a train the day the guys went to play golf. Other than that - it was great food, great friends and good family fun! 
We had a great smores night too! Yummy! And the game of the weekend was definitely bean toss with karaoke night and moth swatting coming in a very close tie for 2nd! Actually...Aaron's moth fight had to have been the "pee your pants" highlight of the trip! LOL! Yes...there were moth's injured in the fight, but it had to be done for the safety of everyone else!
All the kiddos on our bed watching Toy Story!

Still watching....

Riley & Emily sharing "cop corn"! They outlasted everyone else!

Playing at a playground near the train ride!

Nancy & Emily

Angie & Kaden

Riley & Emily

Riley just a swinging!

Riley on the train ride! I realized half way through I had him on the side with the opening! Oops!

Nancy & all the kids watching the next train ride take off!

More movie time!


Getting ready to PLAY! Daddy & Ethan are getting the games out!

Awe! Look at Emily giving Riley some love!

Lunch Time!

I scream! You Scream! We all scream for custard!

Riley's first custard cone! We took a ride in the Jeep to get it!

Lip licking good!

It didn't stand a chance!

Mother's Day @ School

He had to greet me at the door and escort me to my seat! So SWEET!
They had the table all decorated perfectly!
Sweet Riley & Mommy!
Riley & Ms. Dina - he wouldn't cooperate!
Finally got a cheese! That's John to the left!
All my sweet presents!

Easter Fun!

Riley's School Easter Party - he's at the far back left.

Riley on the far right - Matthew on the far left.

My Sweet Ri-Ri!

Riley & Aubree! So Sweet! Aubree is Ms. Ashley's daughter - his teacher from school that watches him a lot outside of school too. She brings Aubree and they have play dates! Isn't she adorable?!

Aubree, Ms. Ashley & Riley!

Riley & Mommy!

Riley's Easter Bunny Loot - see the green light saber that started it all on the right?!

The Easter Bunny hid eggs in our house like he used to in Kelly's when Kelly was growing up! So Riley got a warm up round before we headed to my Aunt Char's for the annual Easter celebration!
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Barney's eating the soccer ball egg!

He's a fast learner!

Oh no! It actually lights up & makes noises!This is the beginning of the end!

Showing Grandpa his new light saber!

Easter egg hunting! His 2nd cousin  Courtney helped him a little!

Now he's on the run!

There are so many eggs - you have to hide them EVERY WHERE!

And there's still one every foot!

Mommy! I'm busy here!

Family pic!

He got way too much candy and over $30! Good Times!