Thursday, January 3, 2013

Conley's 15 Month Well Visit Stats

Okay...eventually I'll get back to blogging...I promise! As soon as I find a spare minute to breathe! :) Two kids is like 5 times the work if you ask me!! Although I'm sure my new job (that I got 2 weeks before having Conley) has a little bit to do with it too!

I did want to at least capture Conley's 15 month old stats real quick.

Length - 31 3/4 75-90%
Weight - 30.8   <97 font="font">
Head Size - 19 75-90%

So he's shorter and a little chunkier than Riley was at this age, and his head is .5" smaller which is surprising b/c he's got a noggin' on him! We call him bowling ball head because he will take you OUT with it!!