Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You just can't make this stuff up!

Yes! Yes! I know! I have A LOT of catching up to do! I'll get to it eventually! It seems we haven't had one spare second lately and the next few weeks don't look so good either! 

But I had to post this one real quick before I forget. So Riley is totally NOT ready to potty in the potty! He screams, cries, etc if you even mention it! But on the other hand - he went in the potty by himself and pulled his pants down and sat on it 3 different times last week, so I'm optimistic that it's going to "click" any moment now! We just try to be supportive and seize the moment any time he shows promise.

At bath time, we now have a game called "Naked Booty Boy" that we have to play every night before and after Riley's bath/shower. He literally loves to run a lap around the upstairs of our house from our room to his room then over and jump on this bean bag in his corner with his stuffed animals! I used to just say "Naked Booty Boy" when he would do it, so that has now become "Mommy - I want to 'Naked Booty Boy'"! 

So last night he did the "Naked Booty Boy", and while he was doing it - I was unpacking his toothbrush from our weekend trip. All of the sudden he comes around the corner from my room and says "Come here Mommy!" and grabs my hand. He leads me all the way to our closet, then points to the floor and says "I potty!" so proudly! It took it a second for it to register...then I was like "You what?!?! WE don't potty in the floor Riley! We potty in the potty!" Immediately, his bottom lip sticks out and starts quivering! Awe..I hurt his feelings! I gave him a hug and told him it's okay! Next time he'll go in the potty..then he helped me clean it up. 

So Kelly was downstairs doing something..and Riley ran to the stairs and said "Daddy! I go potty!" Kelly was like you did?! In the potty? Riley said no! I pottied in the floor! And Kelly was like we don't potty in the floor like a dog!! And Riley said "Dog?! The dog says Ruff Ruff Daddy! I pottied in the floor!

By this point, I was seriously about to pee in my pants I was laughing so hard! And Kelly was doing the same as he walked up the stairs having this conversation! 

I just looked at him when he came around the corner and said - we just can't make stuff up this funny! Hence - the title of the post! 

There was another one of these similar "literal" conversations we had earlier in the day, so I'll have to rack my brain to try to remember that one later!