Friday, December 16, 2011

Good Big Brother!

Riley's so sweet to Conley...every day he comes home and gives him a hug and a kiss. And he's even thinking about it before he gets home - as we drove home yesterday he told me - Mommy, when we get home I'm going to give Conley a hug and a kiss! 

The other morning it was so cute - he was leaving for school with Kelly and he said "See ya later Mommy and Conster!" Awe.....melts a Mother's heart! Speaking of...Kelly and I called Conley - Conster the Monster a few times...and I guess Conster stuck! One day Riley said he wanted to call him Conley Con Con! I was like I thought nicknames were shorter! LOL! I told Kelly if he's the class clown like Kelly was we can call him Comic Con. ha! far so good! Riley LOVES Conley and loves to LOVE on him! I know that may change once Conley becomes mobile and even *thinks* about touching a lightsaber! Then all bets are off!!


I was able to go pick Riley up the last two days from school - which I have to say - being in the car by yourself so you can dance and sing as loud as you want to with a good song that comes on the radio is HEAVEN to a new Mom! :) 

Anyway - we've had to stop by the grocery store to pick up just a few things the last two days, so I've just gotten a basket. And each day Riley takes it from me and says - Look at me Mommy! I BIG! I STRONG! I carry the basket all by myself! Then after we put one thing in it - he's like it's too heavy-you carry it Mommy! Then he'll hand me the basket, but take whatever I put in the basket out and say I'll carry this for you Mommy. Sort of equals out in a 3 year old kind of way I guess!

OMG that boy is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet! Please let him stay sweet...pretty please! His teacher told Kelly that he just loves and hugs everyone..probably b/c we hug and kiss him constantly which I think most parents do, but I guess it's just his thing! I'm from a hugging and kissing family! Actually both sides of my family are that way. 

Then today someone started backing out while we were walking into the store, and my little gentleman put his arm in front of me to protect me! But then he said - 'Watch out Mommy! I'll get it! I'll cut that car in half with my lightsaber!' There is not a problem in the world that cannot be solved with lightsabers - I have finally figured that out! 

I'm trying to think what else...I mean we are at the stage where he's nonstop talking so something sweet, cute and funny comes out of his mouth about every 10 seconds...I try to at least capture the highlights here so we won't forget! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Riley's Royal Treatment

So...I remember a lady at work that has 2 sons telling me when I was pregnant with Riley - whatever you do, don't do everything for them! They'll just expect it when they get older! 

Well....I must have forgotten about that advice...Kelly has the excuse of never having heard it! ha! 

To say Riley gets the royal treatment may be an understatement.....just to give you a glimpse...this is his morning routine..during the winter at least. 

Kelly and I wake up - I go put Riley's clothes for the day in the dryer on high to 'warm them up'. Kelly goes down stairs to make whatever breakfast Riley has pre-ordered the night before at bedtime - pancakes (microwave kind at least), sausage, eggs, etc. 

While his clothes are 'warming up', I get in bed with him so we can snuggle. We put both our heads under the cover and I rub his arms, legs and back to 'warm him up'. Then I go get his shirt and we put his warm shirt on first! Then we do his warm pants and socks at the same time. Then he brushes his teeth while I fix his hair...then it's down for breakfast which is all ready and served at Riley's table. Then Kelly and I usually sit and eat breakfast with him..Conley too if he's awake. 

Then Kelly makes sure that he packs Riley's favorite snack in his backpack for the ride home too. 

Just a few of the things that are Riley's Royal treatment from BOTH Mom & Dad!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conley's Carseat Face!

Seriously...I shouldn't even post this one, but this was Conley after he had SCREAMED all the WAY home from Target! OMG! Most kids sleep in car seats - neither one of mine do, but Riley never SCREAMED ALL THE WAY HOME like the little piggy! Ha! Ironically, Conley screamed all the way home from the hospital like this too...if only I had known it was a sign of things to come! ha! 


Riley the Jerry Maguire Kid!

Those are our glasses from when we went to The Price is Right and wore Drew Carey glasses!

So.....the verdict is in...

We're pretty sure Conley got Daddy's ears!! Bless his little heart! Maybe his head will grow into them though! :) 

What do you think??!

Daddy is Pok-E-Man!

As in his whiskers POKE me in the face Man! It's so funny...if Conley hears Kelly's voice out of nowhere..he will start blinking really fast bracing for the pokey face kiss that he knows is coming! I caught it toward the end of this video - he throws in some Sterne Baby Boy Howling too! 


Conley Slept through the night!

For the first time last week...
Not in a row...
And hasn't since...
Until last night! He did it again! Yea for Mommy! She got the most consecutive hours of sleep she's had since he was born-FIVE! :) I feel like a new WOMAN today! Well...maybe not new...but an actual human being woman...

Man oh man though....Conley's the Energizer Bunny like his Mom USED to be called as Kelly pointed out to me! That boy can pull all-dayers and all-nighters! Riley was a sleeping fool and still is....THANK GOD!!! Just another way they are TOTALLY different!

Conley still hasn't slept except for ONE nap in his crib either! Oh no! He wants nothing to do with that thing! So he's only slept in his swing (I finally started moving him out to it so I could get real sleep not light sleep worrying about rolling over on him in our bed), our bed and my arms up to this point! I finally got him to start taking at least short naps during the day this week, so now mommy is more dependent on the swing than him! I value the free moments to brush my teeth and maybe my hair if I'm lucky! I swear...I have NO idea how I'm EVER going to make it back to work! At least on time...or even by NOON! Right now I have to start getting ready for something the day before..or there's no way we can make it! 

So due to all this non-sleeping...I made the executive decision yesterday we will be foregoing Christmas cards this year...after me almost having a nervous breakdown about trying to get it all coordinated...Kelly simply pointed out in his with ease Kelly way - just don't do or send one this! Why on EARTH didn't I think of that?! Like 4 weeks ago? Would have alleviated A LOT of stress in my life the last few weeks! Of course, after sleeping a whole 5 hours on it - I did wake up and backslide this morning trying to figure out a way we could still swing it. But I've since abandoned that thought again..when Kelly gave me the look as I plotted..if we take pics by Friday...etc!

Heck..I just got a few spare minutes today so I designed Conley's Birth announcement. At least I'll get that out, so he'll be an official member of the family!

Anyway...that also answers why there have been ZERO blogs from me too! Not a spare second for me these days!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that the holidays won't set Conley and I back to no naps and no nighttime sleep...that's all I want for Christmas Santa!