Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conley Slept through the night!

For the first time last week...
Not in a row...
And hasn't since...
Until last night! He did it again! Yea for Mommy! She got the most consecutive hours of sleep she's had since he was born-FIVE! :) I feel like a new WOMAN today! Well...maybe not new...but an actual human being woman...

Man oh man though....Conley's the Energizer Bunny like his Mom USED to be called as Kelly pointed out to me! That boy can pull all-dayers and all-nighters! Riley was a sleeping fool and still is....THANK GOD!!! Just another way they are TOTALLY different!

Conley still hasn't slept except for ONE nap in his crib either! Oh no! He wants nothing to do with that thing! So he's only slept in his swing (I finally started moving him out to it so I could get real sleep not light sleep worrying about rolling over on him in our bed), our bed and my arms up to this point! I finally got him to start taking at least short naps during the day this week, so now mommy is more dependent on the swing than him! I value the free moments to brush my teeth and maybe my hair if I'm lucky! I swear...I have NO idea how I'm EVER going to make it back to work! At least on time...or even by NOON! Right now I have to start getting ready for something the day before..or there's no way we can make it! 

So due to all this non-sleeping...I made the executive decision yesterday we will be foregoing Christmas cards this year...after me almost having a nervous breakdown about trying to get it all coordinated...Kelly simply pointed out in his with ease Kelly way - just don't do or send one this year...wow! Why on EARTH didn't I think of that?! Like 4 weeks ago? Would have alleviated A LOT of stress in my life the last few weeks! Of course, after sleeping a whole 5 hours on it - I did wake up and backslide this morning trying to figure out a way we could still swing it. But I've since abandoned that thought again..when Kelly gave me the look as I plotted..if we take pics by Friday...etc!

Heck..I just got a few spare minutes today so I designed Conley's Birth announcement. At least I'll get that out, so he'll be an official member of the family!

Anyway...that also answers why there have been ZERO blogs from me too! Not a spare second for me these days!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that the holidays won't set Conley and I back to no naps and no nighttime sleep...that's all I want for Christmas Santa!

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