Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And the Week 3 Angel is....

Aunt Nancy!! If Angie was the week 2 angel, Nancy was week 3's. She not only brought us enough yummy food to fill our fridge - taco soup, chicken & broccoli casserole on top of the baked ziti and chili she had already sent over before. She also came over 2 days after work just to help and hold Conley...then even came at her lunch break one day so I could take a shower without worrying about if Conley would wake up and start crying, etc. Thank you so much! She also hosted Riley at her house for a play date with Ethan and Emily and took them to McDonald's for lunch on Saturday so Kelly and I could run to Target and buy a few essentials! I'm sure just what Kelly wanted to do! :) 

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