Thursday, October 27, 2011

Riley & Mommy's First Star Wars Convention!

Help us all...and remember to NEVER say NEVER! This could be you one day too! :)

GiGi came to help the first weekend we were home with Conley, and Kelly and I had planned to take Riley to a Star Wars convention that just so happened to be 5 minutes down the street at the new Irving Convention Center. 

As we were walking up Riley was pointing to every character on the signs and all excited. He wasn't as into the people dressed in costume as we thought he'd be. He was happy once he had another lightsaber though. We just had to chase him around making sure he didn't take people or displays out. 

I even saw him challenge another boy dressed up as Luke Skywalker by tapping his lightsaber into that kids. I had to intervene!

Yes...adults do this! :)

Riley checking out Jango Fett armor

Boba Fett and Han Solo in carbonite - Riley said there's Han Solo!

It's a miracle I got a CHEESE AND he's actually looking at the camera!

He was more interested in Han than Darth at first.

Now he's wanting to check him out up close...behind the lines.

Daddy can take Darth!

My adorable Star Wars nerds!

REAL RD-D2 replicas..yes people do this in their spare time! You too can have one for $10k!

Riley checking out R2's parts.

All the different helmets.

Daddy & Darth Vader - Riley wanted NOTHING to do with him!

Until Darth offered him his lightsaber. Then Riley couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work.

It's not working Mommy!

So we had to get Riley his own lightsaber after the Darth encounter!

Riley getting Darth Vader's soldiers...notice how the clones are anything but clones...there were some in every shape and size at this place!

 Luckily Conley slept the entire time we were gone, so it was a successful outing. 

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