Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Conley's Week 4

Darcy kicked off week 4 with a Sunday afternoon visit and bringing us some yummy turkey chili, salad with the dressing (she thought of everything) and bread. 

So far week 4 has been our best! We are almost at least back to normal for a newborn...still not more than 3ish hours of continual sleep for Conley and I, but it's amazing how rested you can feel on 3 hours when you haven't had that in a while. 

He still taking his longer say 4 hours between feedings sessions during the day sometimes...if I can just get those rotated to night somehow! Or if I could follow the golden rule of sleeping when he sleeps during the day, but there's always one little thing I want to get done...or eating...or showering. I'm totally drawing a blank on when we started trying to establish at least a 3 hour schedule and some predictability with Riley. I think it was much later though due to all the other issues we encountered. It was so different with Riley because we were pumping and supplementing and booty car washing ..... 

Riley is doing sooooo well! He's having outbursts when he gets home, but we're just trying to be patient and remember his entire life has been turned upside down! He does love Conley though..I went in to get Riley ready for school one day and the first thing he said was "Where's Conley?" So Conley's on his mind even when he's out of sight...and not crying! :) And he comes home yelling "Mommy and Riley I'm home every day!" It's soooooo sweet!

Nancy's been here a few nights this week too, and she's just a helper by nature! Even when I tell her to relax she doesn't have to help! We made a quick trip to Target too. 

We may venture out some more later this week for Halloween festivities too, so we'll see how that goes.

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