Monday, October 17, 2011

Conley's 2 Week Stats

So far, so good on solely breastfeeding and Conley - we passed our first major milestone today in that he gained back his birth weight by 14 days - he weighed in at 8lbs 11oz today which is technically the 15th day. Yea!!! I can breathe a sigh of relief! It's so different than what went on with Riley and his tongue being tied, but I still have moments of freaking out that he's not getting enough, etc. But those get fewer and farther between each day! 

Conley's 2 week old stats: 
Length 21.5" 75-90%
Weight 8lbs 11oz 50%
Head size 14" 25-50%

I'm going to search the blog for Riley's to see how the length and head size compare. I know Riley wasn't where he needed to be weight wise at this point. And I think his head may be been a lot bigger! But can't remember for sure!

Conley on the way to his 5 day old weight check! I didn't have a separate post for that,so just added them here.

OMG! He's so little yet 1.5lbs BIGGER than Riley was!

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