Friday, October 14, 2011

The only side effect of Conley's quick arrival!

The only negative impact of Conley's quick arrival was that he fractured his clavicle. Sounds really painful, and they only way they can tell is that after a couple of days there is a calcium deposit build up in the area. The pediatrician at the hospital asked "Was Conley's birth a quick birth?" I said - "2 pushes", and she was like - yeah, it's common in quick births or large babies. We did notice that when I nursed him on one side - if I caught his arm just right he would scream out - once we knew to watch for that side - we've just been extra careful to not pull it up, etc. 

By the time we had his 48 hour post discharge checkup with our normal pediatrician, he already had full range of motion in it so he said there's nothing for us to worry about. 

He was also already on track to more than gain his birth weight back by 2 weeks by gaining 1oz a day! Yea! That gives me peace of mind after all the weight gain issues we went through with Riley! We'll find out on Monday at his 2 week checkup if we are still on track in that area. So far, I'd say all signs point to yes!

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