Friday, October 14, 2011

The Circle of Life

Kelly and I were cracking up at how when infants are born they look like elderly people with their wrinkly skin, thinning hair with a bad haircut - it's long in all the wrong places, etc. 

You just forget how teeny, tiny they are...and I can't imagine how tiny Riley must have felt considering he was 1.5lbs smaller than Conley. 

And as Kelly said - they make these horrible faces like a bad Jim Carey! 

I guess the long and short of it is they are so ugly in a way their irresistibly cute! You just have to take them all in - slowly! 

But they change so rapidly every's hard to keep up! I haven't taken as many pictures with being ill and having Riley to corral at the same time, but I'll try to get some this weekend. Still have to get newborn portraits scheduled with the photographer too! We already missed the 7 day sweet spot b/c that's when they are more sleepy and you can just snap away and they never notice.

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