Wednesday, October 12, 2011

All Packages are Star Wars

Riley's home ill today with Conley and I - that's a whole other post in and of itself - we're all suffering the 2nd week hangover this week - I've been sick, now Riley's sick...we just hope Conley doesn't end up sick! :( 

Anyway - we received a baby present package in the mail today. Thanks Ana & Ross! :) And I went downstairs to get it, then as I was bringing it back up the stairs - Riley says - "Mommy, Star Wars package!". That should give you an idea of how many Star Wars packages this household has received since Kelly's obsession with that started...

The only way I could convince him it wasn't a Star Wars package was to let him be the one to open it! Too funny! Or too sad...I'm not sure which yet!

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