Monday, October 10, 2011

I wanna be like Daddy!

So I've decided my pregnancies send Kelly into mini midlife crises every time...with Riley it was restoring the Jeep while I was pregnant - Kelly claimed that was his "nesting". Then winter came and it switched to recreating his childhood Star Wars figure collection...then creating a new collection for Riley. 

With Conley it didn't kick in until later, but it manifested itself in the form of BMXing - is that a word?! are reading that correctly...a 37 year old man riding BMX bikes! I can't make this stuff up! So we're 2 bike investments, a helmet THANK GOD, and some Under Armor pads into this midlife crisis. So at least this one is significantly cheaper than the other 2 so far...until we have a dreaded ER visit. While I was pregnant - I told him if he hurt himself bad enough that he couldn't work..he better go ahead and not come home...because I'm about to be off work without pay for 3ish months! 

Anyway...gotta love my husband...he keeps me in touch with my inner child for sure! That's something I've always appreciated about him b/c I have a tendency to be a little too intense on all work and no play front! 

So he and his friends are finding different BMX parks and riding on the weekends...oh yeah! That cracks me up too b/c Kelly will be up literally almost 2 hours earlier than he does during the week so he can go ride his bike! What?! Who abducted my non-morning person husband! LOL! 

Anyway...Kelly will ride his new bike to the play ground with Riley now. And I have gotten some GREAT videos of them! It's so adorable! Watch Riley's little legs just go-go-go to keep up with Daddy! So cute! And good times for them to share! One is just Riley following Kelly around saying "I'm gonna get you Daddy!". And the other is Riley's first EVER bunny hop! Several of them!!! Adorable!! :)

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