Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011!

Sunday we ventured out on our first family outing to the pumpkin patch with Ethan, Emily & Nancy and their friends. All in all it was a successful outing! Conley did great - we even made it out to have dinner afterwards at La Hacienda - yummy! 

That's Ethan to left, Riley about to run away and Nancy far right.

Riley inspecting pumpkins.

At least he's bending his knees - proper form! :)

Uh-Oh! Bend those knees!

Yes...our son would decide to take a pumpkin in the hay house! Then EVERY kid inside came out yelling to tell on him! Funny stuff! Kelly peeked in the house and said they were all just standing against the walls...weird! It was a hit though!

Another and hay bales!

Riley going down the slide...

And he's off...that's Kelly by the slide with no Riley in sight!

Cheese...but eyes closed..sometimes I hate my camera!

Pumpkin Obstacle course...I'm sure their future owners appreciate it!

After all the pumpkin inspecting...Riley chose one just his size! sweet, he's sharing with Ms. Emily!

So he had to go back to select a different one, but stuck with the same size! Mom & Dad got off easy!

Conley's 1st trip to the pumpkin patch in the pouch carrier.

Nancy & Ms. Emily! So cute!

Ms. Emily and her pumpkin!

Another one of Conster the Monster...his hand looks abnormally BIG!

Family photo! Can't believe Riley looked at the camera AND said cheese! Miracle!

Ethan, Riley & Emily as we were leaving La Hacienda. Riley already has his Mickey Mouse videos going on Kelly's phone for the ride home!


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