Friday, October 14, 2011

Conley - a True iBaby

So I think it's only fitting that Conley would be born the week Steve Jobs passed away because Conley is the epitome of what I would call an iBaby! :) I remember Steve Jobs saying the iPhone would be "your life in your pocket". I say often if I lost my phone, it would be like losing my life! Obviously every contact I have is in there, but also almost all the pictures and videos I take of Riley and now Conley these days are on my iPhone too! I need to start backing it up more, but thanks to iCloud - once I get my iPhone 4S (should arrive today) that will be done for me! Thanks Steve! You can't create addicts like me...then leave us high and dry to lose our "lives" you've created for us! :) 

Anyway...the reasons I say Conley is a true iBaby are: 

  1. He was conceived the first month we tried. I used the free iPeriod app to track my cycles and therefore, predict my ovulation days! Of course, I know there's a certain amount of luck involved too, but it couldn't have been far off because it happened the first month we tried! Kelly was like - I didn't even have a chance to process the idea before it happened! LOL! That was probably divine intervention so Kelly couldn't change his mind about having 2!
  2. Throughout my pregnancy I used the Pregnancy app from Baby Center - with Riley I got weekly emails from them. With Conley, they pushed weekly notifications to my phone via the app. Pretty cool! Sometimes that was the only thing that would remind me I was pregnant! I also had a cool iPad app that showed his growth inside the womb each week. 
  3. I used the Full Term app created by a nerdy Dad of course to time/track/email my contractions as I was in labor! That app was PERFECT! 1 big button to hit when the contraction started and stopped, and all the timing calculations (beginning to beginning, duration, etc) were calculated for you - they could be emailed as an excel spreadsheet (what I was emailing to my doula). Pretty cool stuff! I think the only feature he should add is a "Get your A$$ to the hospital" alarm when your contractions start to indicate active labor! :)
  4. Once Conley was here, his first ever pictures were all taken with iPhones - mine, Kelly's and my Mom's. 
  5. Also once he was here - I started using the Baby Connect app! Talk about cool!! I am tracking when I breastfeed - it tracks left side, right side, how long, which side was the last side - everything you need to track - all with 2 buttons! Easy and so convenient!! And a godsend when you are sleep deprived and can barely remember your own name - much less which side you nursed on and how long it's been! It also tracks diapers - wet, bowel movement, BM + Wet, consistency so you know when the meconium is gone, etc. Then in true Misty fashion - it creates charts and you can also email the stats to yourself or your doctor! It's just good to see he's nursing on average the number of times he should in a day, and also having the right number of diapers that should indicate proper growth and weight gain. And so awesome that it just does it for you without you having to do any extra work! Another feature we haven't used yet is that it's made where I can have the app on my phone, Kelly on his and say my Mom on hers...and we can all track what he does with each of us on our phones separately, but then it syncs them all together so each person has the holistic view! How cool is that?! No more "A Beautiful Mind" pieces of paper all over the place like when I had Riley and was tracking all his feedings, etc. It will also track all sorts of other stuff - sleep, medicine, bottles, etc. But I've only been using the nursing and diapers so far. 

I'm sad Baby Center hasn't caught up fast enough to have the "post" delivery app done yet - I still have to get that weekly milestone information via email for now. I'm sure there are tons of other apps out there too! I just haven't had the time or need to go searching for them yet! Pretty soon, I'll be doing a search for one to help me remember how you get them to straighten out their days/nights! I think we made progress last night, but Conley's taking his long 4-5 hour nap from like 7-11am and I want to try to move that back one feeding where it's closer to around 12-5am so Momma can get some aggregated sleep too! We had a really good night last night though - 2 nursings and 2 spells of at least 3 hours of sleep - it's amazing how you can feel like a million $'s after 3 hours of sleep! He was also done with his am nursing in time for me to be able to get Riley up and ready for school since that was our routine before - I get him dressed, teeth brushed and hair fixed while Kelly makes his breakfast.

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