Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Riley's 3yr Old Star of the Week!

Here's Riley's 3yr old Star of the Week board that of course Kelly and I did the night before it was due at 11pm! Literally, I was sending him to Walgreens to pick up the photos we had printed a 10pm. It still turned out really well and captures perfectly all of Riley's current favorite things! 

His teacher said he knew every character and picture on it and told everyone all week. Then we took a special snack-his favorites of Goldfish, Fruit Snacks and Capri Sun for snack one day. 

Kelly had the cool idea of mounting the actual figures on the board like they are on the cards - he is the creative one of our household! They are right by the Y in Riley and S in Sterne. Other things we captured are "Boom Boom" - Fireworks, his "B" bear, Darth Vader and Lightsabers of course, the playground, Mommy& Daddy, Riley eating donuts, swimming in the pool in Cozumel, the splash park, Toy Story on Ice, riding bikes with Daddy, his cousin Jayden, his friends Ethan & Emily, Kaden and Aubree, then stickers of more Star Wars figures and sports because he loves Play for Sport too.

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