Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Lion King!

We took Riley to see his 2nd movie at the theatre when they replayed The Lion King for a couple of weeks. It was sooo cute b/c he kept thinking and saying all the way to when we were walking OUT of The Lion King after it was over "We're going to see Winnie the Pooh now". I guess since that was the first movie he ever saw in the theatre - he wasn't getting the concept of seeing something different! 

He did really well! Loves the "copcorn" of course, and his new fav "emenade" (lemonade), and I packed fruit snacks as a backup plan. We had to use them all - he did start to get antsy toward the end, but he made it through the entire movie! 

And I told Kelly that is one silver lining to him not being potty trained yet - we don't have to get up multiple times during the movie for potty breaks! :) Gotta look at the bright side! 


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