Friday, October 14, 2011

Rules are MADE to be broken!

So most of you know I used to be (yeah I know) a little psycho on the food front too...I know..there's a theme here, but I'm quickly learning all rules made by psycho 1st time Mom's are made just to be broken! :) And you can either embrace that or drive yourself crazy fretting about it! Children are our gift to teach us to get OVER it already! Eating bad, too much TV (and TV that's meant for a much older child), and not enough outside time are still things that drive me mental, but it has to get to a much higher level than before for me to have a moment about it. And after almost 10 years together, Kelly's better at predicting my breaking point and averting some of my moments too.

So I found myself breaking what would have been a MAJOR rule before a few weeks ago. I'm sure being almost 9  months pregnant had NOTHING to do with it! 

Riley ate his usual breakfast one morning of pancakes and sausage and eggs. Then as we were getting ready to leave he opened the pantry (yeah, he's at that stage now - he can open the pantry and stand there and stare just like us adults), and stated he wanted Cheetos. Normally, Cheetos are saved for our weekend cheat day. In fact, a side bar note is that we typically don't buy the "bad food" at the grocery store so we just don't have it in our house. If we want a "bad" food bad enough to get in the car and go get it, then we need to just have it to avoid an all out binge. Otherwise, you're probably just thirsty-right?! LOL! On the weekends, we do usually  have a "scheduled" cheat day. Our tradition as become us making a trek to the RaceTrac around the corner to get our "cheat day" foods. We do that so much that 1. The lady at the RaceTrac pretty much knows all of us by name or  by our cheat day food selections, and 2. now whenever I pull into RaceTrac even just for gas, Riley declares - "Cheetos!" LOL! Because Cheetos are his cheat day food! Well they used to be...lately he's been having them more than he should! And it seems like every time we ALMOST empty a big bag of them - GiGi shows up and buys him another big bag..something we don't usually do!

Anyway...on this particular morning we were at an impasse and were approaching full scale meltdown, so I totally caved and gave in to letting him have Cheetos on the ride to school! I figured at least he had already had a nutritious breakfast - so what the heck - live a little! And I even took a picture to call myself out on it so I'd have to admit it publicly! :) Of course, we had to clean all the orange finger and lips evidence off of him before he went into school!

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